1st indoor hydro grow, am i doing something wrong?

  1. Indoor or outdoor? Indoor grow, 1 plant for 4x4 area.
  2. Origin of seeds? MNSL
  3. Regular, feminized, or autoflower? Feminized
  4. Origin of water. PH, EC/TDS of source water? Jugs of Distilled water from store
  5. PH and TDS/EC of if mixed solution? 5.8 & 600 ppm
  6. Grow method? Soil, Soil-less, Coco, Hydro, Aquaponics. DWC hydroponics system. Clay pebbles and rockwool cube
  7. Nutrients or fertilizer system used. General Hydroponics
  8. What typr of lighting are you using? LED, HID (MH, CMH, HPS), or Fluorescents? Please elaborate.
  9. What are the temps in your growspce? Day / Night?
  10. What is the RH = relative humidity in your growspace?( AVG-45.7) (low 28.2) (high 67.0)
  11. AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier? Ac/ dehumidifier
  12. Do you have a Ventilation system? Size? 4", 6"? 6:"
  13. Co2 Yes / No? no?
  14. How long have you been growing? first grow
  15. What budget have you set in order to grow successfully? no limit really
  16. If you grow hydro, then please explain your hydro method. DWC, R-DWC, Ebb and Flow, Or; Other? Other? DWC with a 5 gallon bucket.

    Ive been watering with spray bottle till roots begin to show, its been 11 days since germination and the roots are just beginning to show from the bottom. Is this normal?

Hey, my observational guess is that

1.You might be overwatering.

  1. Your tent temperature is on the high side Try to get the humidity levels up to 60/70% when in vegetation stage. Lower as it grows and flips to flowering.

  2. keep it under 80°. I’ve learned overwatering stunts the growth time above all.

If you are having this issue with auto’s, it’s going to end up wasted everything. Just start over now…

Hope this helps

This is normal for it to have taken this long for the roots to reach water reservoir. The growth (at the beginning) will be slow, at mid stage you will notice a big jump in growth (depending on cultivar) to the point of having to top/clone/remove foliage so it doesn’t choke itself out.

Start (with seedlings) with a seedling nutrition like clonex for the first week/2 weeks of its growth stage in your reservoir below, then once you see 3-4 node sets you can slowly introduce the vegetation stage nutrients to the reservoir until your at the manufacturer’s recommended dosages or higher.

To increase humidity at this moment, add a clear plastic cup (or anything that will allow light to clearly pass through) over top of it. The moisture from the aerated reservoir will produce (should) enough moisture to be trapped in your makeshift humidity dome.

@superduperj , when I SOG I run 3 clones per 5 gallon DWC. Here is an example from 2 years ago. (Only let them veg from clone for 4-5 weeks before placing them in flower)