Using drip nutrients, been using full strength. My lux meter reads around 28k. Ph rises daily to 6.2 to 6.5 first two days after res change itll rise fast then only rise by .3 to .4 a day. Blue lab ph meter calibrated. Some of the plants look fine but others look paleish, lime greenish on top leaves. Water temperature stays at 69. Growing in flood and drain clay pellets. Been trying to figure out how often to flood. Been flooding every 4 to 6 hours. I did more often like 3 hours and they seemed droopy. Photobio phantom 680 grownlight. I think my ec meter is off so i ordered a bluelab one. Said 780 ppm , upped it 2 days ago to 1,200 ppm to see if they liked it. Havent seen a difference yet though. Any info would be great!
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Not seeing anything concerning Grow Bro, if there’s a deficiency it take a week or better to show improvement
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