So this being 1st grow I’m looking for answers and comments, I transplanted the seedling 12/31 into the hydro/ expanded clay and lowered my dimmed tsw2000 to 8 inches and she seems to be happy with the move. When should I start nutes I’m using the gh grow,micro and bloom series and have calmag. How should lighting be controlled through the grow. I have made a scrog for the grow but don’t have it inside my 4x4x80 tent yet. Any help would be appreciated
Hey welcome you happen to have the same size tent same light and I’m also doing 5 gallon buckets DWC. I run light full power all the way through adjusting light height as the girls grow.
Try 100% and about 30" I use three 4 x 2" airstones per bucket. Two at minimum for me.
I have a flood and drain setup, most forums I’ve read said lights close and dimmed all the way for seedlings. Have you had good results? Have you logged many grows with your setup?
Yes and also running the same GH trio but you don’t use silica?? I’m on grow umm nine err eleven. Depends on plants or cycles. I usually do two or three at a time and they get huge.
Important note you said drain to waste but if you’re in hydro you’ll go by the recirculating feed chart.
Oh can’t forget hydroguard I didn’t see you list it.
Not drain to waste, it’s recirc. Thanks for all your input. When do you begin nutes? She still has the little mouse ear leaves as well as starting 2nd pair of leaves.
Sorry I wanted to be sure you’re on the right chart, someone once fed wrong schedule killing plant.
Do you have roots coming down to water? Leave an air gap of 1-2" if you’re on second set of leaves, I would feed first week now. Five gallon buckets use 3 gallons to keep the air gap under a 6" meshpot. I start with an empty clean bucket, dump a gallon of water in, then I mix silica and Cal mag but you’re going to skip silica and Cal mag this first weeks feeding. So add second gallon and in final gallon, I would give them 2.5ml per gallon or 8 total. Mix the micro first, stir it in bucket then grow and stir well again and finally bloom, then hydroguard. I bought measuring syringes, they’re marked in assorted ml sizes from Amazon… Help allot with feeding measuring accurately.
Sorry for the confusion. Terminology deficit lol.
I growing in expanded clay in a flood and drain tray.
Maybe @peachfuzz or @CoyoteCody or @MrPeat could give input on feeding etc. I’ve never looked into it too much when choosing a grow method, I settled on DWC buckets.
I have not done full blown hydro before, but when I was using GH nutes in coco I started feeding when I noticed the cotyledons first start turning yellow, and I started at about ¼ strength.
I only use FFOF and now FFHF soil. I can’t afford Hydro. I am on Disability and I am now losing money due to them raising prices twice since Oct 31st.
At this rate, I don’t even know if I can cover the expenses of the lights and window AC’s I will have to get a 2nd and possibly a 3rd if I want to grow in the summer.
So no idea what I will be doing.
Hmm seems I’ve tagged the wrong folks stoned trying to remember who to tag now… Perhaps @elheffe702 can point you in the right way…
No problem, I just changed out the water and added the trio as directed for week 1 but 1/4 strength. Will check her tomorrow. Thanks again
@CoyoteCody gave same advice I would have, start light when the cotyledons begin to yellow, but I’ve never done hydro, either. Good luck! Looks good so far, perky and happy.
I would treat it like dwc even tho its flood and drain…
Lots of air in main res and about 150 to 250 ppm for now at that age and a ph of 6 …
If your little plant is in a rockwhool cube , make sure that when it floods that the water level stays 2 inches lower than the cube…
Thank you. I’m trying to figure out to post a grow journal.
Thank you. I have the cube buried . I’ll lower the overflow for now.
Thanks @peachfuzz I suspected along the lines of what you’re saying but wanted your input for our new growmie
starting 2nd week in the expanded clay. found my ph is steady greeping up. checked my feed res and water was down 1/2 inch so topped off and checked the ph. it was high 7.2? took 7 ozof ph down to get to 6.0 wont add any more. i have ordered a r.o. system for plant water. until then going to flush and start over with distilled from the store.