1st grow progress

the girls are doing great but would like opinions and suggestions for trimming and flowering. Do these need to be trimmed below the canopy? I have topped some colas and they seem to be doing great. I see hairs on one and was wondering when I should put into the flowering stage. I was thinking a few more weeks to allow for a better bud.!



I would say no, not at this point. @hippy4life

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Very healthy ladies you have there… :wink:
Minimal changes , if any… :wink:

:v: :sunglasses:

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Nice getting a solid start!!

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Let them get big. Be judicious about any leaf removal and only if it’s interfering with bud development or air flow is inhibited.

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Theyre pretty girls! Let them grow into big girls before switching to flower. You & your yield will be much happier!

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Don’t touch them.

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