1st grow, problem with a white widow fem sprout

Ok, 20 years ago i attempted a grow and did very well germinating multiple plants only to have my chickens wipe out the crop. Decided to try again indoors with a partner who couldn’t stay sober enough to function and he cost me 8 seeds before i could intervene. Point is good seeds arent cheap and i need to be making more progress by now. I have started over with 3 sprouts: 2 white widow fem and 1 gorilla glue auto. All 3 germinated beautifully and i planted them in their final bucket in organic garden soil. The girls are on day 7 from starting. The one in question sprouted but the sprout hit a piece of wood in the soil and didnt pop out like the other 2. I noticed a sprout 2 days later that just didnt progress like i think it should have so i investigated. Moved the debris carefully with a toothpick and found the original sprout so i left it exposed to the light. Its been 2 days now and it doesnt look healthy. Looks like the suckers have formed but are drying out. What can I do at this point? Ive included 3 pics, first of the sprout, 2nd is the secondary sprout with toothpick pointed at it, 3rd is the sister plant to show where it should be. Thank you in advance!


I am almost done growing 4 WW Autos my runt was pitiful looking during seedling and early veg stage and now she is taller than the rest and more bud sites so giver her a chance to shine👍 her stem looks healthy to me


Welcome to the community btw do you mind if I set to watch your grow

Sure! I’ll probably need some input on the next stages for sure.

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I would suggest starting in solo cups first. Gives the roots a chance to establish. Don’t feed for the first week or two or don’t over water. Just a tablespoon or so for now


That’s how I did the first time years ago. I’ve never grown feminized or autoflowers before so I wanted to minimize handling them. I am misting them in the morning and a little in the afternoon but planning on only the mornings and keeping an eye on them. Here is a pic of the gorilla glue auto for the record:


Hi @anon10715952. Welcome to the forum. I’m gonna set to watching if you don’t mind!

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I’m a new grower but I’ve learned alot over the time I started my grow, all your questions will be answered trust that, great people on here that give great advice!!! Happy growing!!!


Welcome to the forum. You may want to put a clear solo cup over them or a pop bottle cut in half. This will help keep the humidity up for them, at this stage they really like that treatment.


Just had my ww sprout do something similar. She pushed herself right out of the rooter with the shell still firmly intact . I threw her back in and helped with the shell but she was pitiful . Now she’s caught up with the rest so give yours a chance . It will surprise ya @anon10715952


Welcome @anon10715952! What kind of soil is that? Looks really woody. Also looks really wet for a new born. As others stated, throw a clear solo cup (or something similar) over her for a dome and mist the inside of the cup (dome) instead of the ground.


Its a brand called “Harvest Organics” for raised bed gardening. Probably not the best but was kind of last minute out of season. Haven’t tested the pH yet. Been more concerned with light water pH and security. I don’t like the woodiness either lol. I have now placed domes, that’s the first I’ve heard about misting the domes. Will start that in the morning.


I guess you’ll have some strong roots growing through all that debris lol

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@anon10715952, welcome to the community. I too am gonna tag along


Ok here is an update (day 10 on my white widow fems, day 11 on my gorilla glue auto). Looks like my little troubled one is still having problems but has some strange new growth that I think will work out ok in the long run. She’s labeled #3 in the pics.
Keep in mind this is a second location that was spur of the moment, still evolving, limited funds. I had invested in a light meter, and this improv setup is producing between 20k and 30k lumens at the plants. The individual lights are 100 watt equivalent daylight led bulbs, the cfl in the middle is 100 watt equivalent soft white. Please comment on the lighting too.
The holidays is why I’m only this far into it, which is also why there is a pack of tomato seeds in one of them as a ruse in case of discovery by family.
The last pic is my other site with a real 600 watt led grow light. It has one lone survivor that is gorgeous and I think is about 3 weeks old. Its a miracle it hasnt drowned yet (not my doing).


Update: white widows are 15 days old, the gorilla glue is 16 days. Unfortunately I think #3 (the original white widow in question has passed). Ww #2 is growing fantastically. It is already too big for a 2 liter dome. The thing that worries me about her is the coloration, as I’m somewhat color blind in the yellow and green spectrum. All I can tell is there is a color change in the leaves where I wasn’t expecting one. Do I have a nutrient deficiency? 3 days ago I thought this was just how we looked from pics online. Would appreciate another opinion. Last pic is my wee little gorilla glue auto just to complete the update. Tia


Update day 26: after a scare over nutrients my girls are doing beautifully! I really thought I was going to lose them but there is new growth again and good color in the new growth. Would’ve preferred to transplant into better soil but I’m not confident doing that yet.
Been having some trouble keeping the temperature up. Had a couple cold nights and the temp hit 61. Going to transition the room into something more like a large tent in order to reduce the space I’m heating, but now I’m going to have to be careful with ventilation. Hopefully no future problems, but good news so far.
Number 1 is my gorilla glue auto, number 2 is my white widow fem, not pictured a new number 3 GB autoflower that just went in soil, and the last pic the 3 week older lone survivor gg auto from the first attempt catastrophe. I’m not very good at getting the order right on these pics yet so be patient with me


Ok day 25 update: so 4 days ago I couldn’t sleep and I checked on things within minutes of the lights coming on as I have been worried about temps. Found a camel cricket feeling too comfy amongst the leaves. Got some diatomaceous earth and applied it liberally although I really didn’t like the looks of it. Apprentice showed up and washed it off the leaves because he didn’t like it either. This morning I found large areas of leaf missing so I reapplied the de after "consulting " with the assistant. At this point I’m wondering when the frogs are showing up although I think the next plague is darkness, for which I am prepared, lol. Next grow I’m using tents.
My big worry right now is the lone survivor is within a week or 2 of flowering. Did I use too much de? Does it effect buds or should I not be worried about that? I’ve read these crickets can destroy the whole crop. Any input welcomed.
Pic 1 is lone survivor(ilgm gorilla glue auto)with damage and de, pic 2 day 26 gorilla glue auto labeled #1, pic 3 day 25 ilgm white widow fem.

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Actually got my pics in reverse order. Pic 1 is gg auto labeled #4 and is 7 days old. Pic 3 is "lone survivor " with damage.

The DE should work well. Good thing the cricket didn’t go to the little one.

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