1st grow ... .. need assistance

Hello guys … im just jumping fresh off the porch with my first grow my only grow ever in life im very new to this … very happy with my progress so far but now running into alot of kinks that u would think i would have dwn packed considering all the reading and video time i put in … but as anybody new i need help please … my plant is 3 weeks and 4 days old since sprout … and through the first 3 weeks i didn’t give it any nutrients… can anyone help me breakdown how to do the nutrients as in step by step … i have the chart for ff plus all of ff nutrients besides rhize up & im using ff soil … plus i have all my equipment … problem is i dont know how to feed it the nutrients properly


If you are in FF soil you don’t want to supplement for at least six weeks.

It would be good to know more about your grow so we can help.

COPY/PASTE the below list into your forum post.

Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so; Or post
NA (non applicable)

-What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed (photo or auto)
-Age of plant
-Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF
-Vessels: Type and capacity of container (fabric, plastic, etc)
-PH and TDS of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable)
-PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable
-Method used to measure PH and TDS
-Indoor or Outdoor if indoor, size of grow space
-Light system List brand and wattage/spectrum
-Actual wattage draw of lights
-Current Light Schedule
-Temps; Day, Night
-Humidity; Day, Night
-Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
-AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
-Co2; Yes, No

If growing Hydro some additional questions:

-DWC? RDWC? Autopots? Ebb and Flow? Other?
-Distance of liquid below net pot (DWC)
-Temperature of reservoir
-TDS of nutrient solution
-Amount of air to solution

Always try to upload a clear picture in white light of any issues you may have to allow the community to assist you.




Unfortunately it could be because of the mat it’s sitting on! Jk but if you fill out that ticket guarantee you’ll get answers real wuick


Lol … u might be right they are a sac of shhhh right now … but i just did it thanks !!


Hey there @Montaye! Welcome to the family! It would help if you kept all of your questions to one journal. It can be your ‘official grow journal’. This way we can all see what’s been answered already.

Maybe @Myfriendis410 can help and combine them?


Yes; please keep from opening multiple threads covering the same thing. It takes up space that others can use to ask questions. If you don’t mind, I’ll merge all of your threads into one.


Yes thats fine … i don’t mind

Fill this out so we know what your dealing with.
How old is she? Do you have ph and tds meters to check runoff? This is the best way to tell if they are hungry


Stick to 1 thread so we don’t get confused.


As @beachglass stated, it’s much easier to get and give info when everything is in one thread. That being said, this should help with feeding. This is per gallon. Most growers just use the Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom. Mix in order listed, make sure you are pH’ed between 6.2-.8 if youregrowing in soil.

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I apologize… but yes i created 1 thread & someone told me to copy and paste what u just sent me so i made another 1 already with the strand type & all that … & yes i have ph & tds but very unfamiliar on using them


Feed as per the guide @Borderryan22 posted (don’t forget a cal/mag product too) and adjust feeding as necessary to maintain a runoff PPM of ~1,000.

Fox Farm nutes are salty and will eventually create a mineral salt buildup that will give you fits managing you r runoff pH. A flush is necessary when this happens.


Yes i have that and everything i need to give it nutrients… but the process i never done b4 … like … how do u know how much water to add with the nutrients as u giving it food & without overwatering or oversoaking your soil … …

I have all of this

this is what im watering with

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Whats it in 3 gallon pot? Are there two plants or it was in the red pot, now its in the black one… It will help to know what size container of soil is being watered

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Well its in the red pot and only reason being is i couldnt find pots anywhere that was the only pot i could find before my other pots come in and i didnt want it to get root rot … but the growth of it still looks a bit stunted to me … compared to other blue berry autos i have seen … not sure what size pot that red 1 is honestly … but from now on im moving to fabric pots … it look like it may b a 3 gall :man_shrugging:t5:

Honestly i just give it water when its dry … so adding nutrients to my water that i give it im kinda confused on … like do i mix all tsp of nutrients together in water and just give it a good soak … :man_facepalming:t5::man_shrugging:t5:


I understand it should read the right balance on the ph meter and stuff but do i do that separately with each nutrient