1st grow, can i harvest? growing real impatient lol


First off, Welcome!!

Man you are cramped. Prolly cannot get 10" between the light and canopy?
There are still alot of white pistils showing. Were it me, I would wait until almost all hairs were brown but me thinks the cramped tent is forcing you to make a decision. Pull the tall ones to the side so they aren’t touching the light and let her go another week??


yeah super cramped, didnt expect her to get this tall. Next grow im gonna do some lst. Everytime i think shes done growing, she throws out more white pistils. Shes on day 80 from seed


Welcome aboard!!!

Never a bad thing to be excited imo, but I’m with Bonjoyle. I’d wait a bit, and also try and get some space by bending those tallest a bit to get some distance from the light. Just my $0.02.

Looks like a great plant for your great time growmie!! Stick around and learn, cuz there’s some seriously great knowledge to be gained from these folks. LST itself is just really cool once you get into that.

Good luck and see you around!


Sounds good , I’ll wait a week or two more but probably gonna be looking at trichomes every day :joy: now when I do harvest what should I do with the bottom buds ? They’re just starting to get brown pistils but highly doubt they’ll be done at the same time as the top



Just jumping on to follow the responses because I have the same question. I was thinking carb and infuse to oil but was also hoping for a little less than what I got. First grow too. Bought a second tent kit to setup a flower and veg/dry tent so I can harvest each bud based on ripeness. I have a few I’m worried will fall out of the window if I don’t harvest and have to harvest everything at once with the current setup. I did LST but no topping with autos. I’m harvesting this weekend because I can’t stress anymore about it.


You could harvest the TALL Budss and leave the SHORT/Bottom Buds, for more grow (with or without reveging).

YT video DeBacco University series ROI (return on Investment) or other “partial” harvest videos (Bill Ward, maybe).
Take some, leave some.
Don’t kill the golden goose.
You will wait longer during dry/cure.
Welcome to the fun house.

You could even attempt cloning.
DDD loves cloning and Re-veging (experiments).

Keep us posted what happens, regardless.
Nice plants, Congrats.
Took me a number of years to get past seedlings.
I was young in the 60’s and old in the 20’s (unfortunately 2020 and above)

It took this lady (flowering clone) six weeks to decide roots were a good idea.


Due to the space restriction and the closeness to your harvest time, from experience with photo period NorLit/W.Wond indoors, proper manicured drying and proper curing can helped to juice up and powder sugar coat very well indeed.
Can you raise your lights?
Gorilla tents have this option for future reference.
Great grow regardless!


Welcome aboard. Stage harvesting will work great for you. I do it all the time. Those top flowers will keep kicking out white pistils sitting on that light. Look deep in the top buds for your trichs. If they look ready can take all the top. The lower wont get a lot bigger but they will ripen. Wont need to feed. Half the plant left with all the roots. 2 weeks or so is what I usually run after pulling tops. Just me.


shes an autoflower , so i dont think revegging is an option plus i dont have a second grow tent for drying so i would have to harvest everything at once

i bent her down with zip ties a little so shes not touching the light, light is at maximum height.

is there a way I can do this without a seperate drying tent?

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Do you have room for an appliance box (refrigerator, washer, etc). I did the for a while and it worked well for me.

Depending upon how much you harvest, even a much smaller box would work. I also built a frame out of PVC pipe and wrapped it in garbage bags as a drying chamber. That worked super well.

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Yes. Dont need a tent to dry. A closet…dark room…big assed box…whatever you can maintain proper environment in.

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I pull early and sweat in bags usually last couple days. I vacuum pack at 62% and get great cure while sitting.

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I pull, wet trim, wash, hang, for a few days, then bag for sweating.
Monitored for a few days, in bags then transfer to jar or grove bags.
Growing is great, but watching is taking forever.
Impatience only beginning (harvest and cure will double the wait).
Good growing to you. “waiting is the hardest part” song comes to mind.


Sorry for forum hopping I been looking to see if anyone would be able to tell me roughly how much longer I have. I’m on day 50 today with my autoflower. Where I got my seeds from says 55-65 day flowering time. Im thinking roughly a week maybe but im clueless with this being my first grow. Thanks in advance !!


I would say about 3 more weeks. The process for determining the “when” is;

  1. 70-90% of all the white hairs need to turn brownish red and start to curl back in towards the buds.
  2. Once this has happened, start watching the trichs. All cloudy with a touch of Amber heads is when you are in the chop window.
    2A) All cloudy trichs is peak THC and will get you an energetic high
    2B) All Cloudy with 10% Amber is the best of both worlds
    2C) All cloudy with >30% Amber will get you couch lock

Hope this helps. Here is a chart showing what I explained
When to Harvest