I can see it now @Hogfather
I’ve built the soil up to top of the solo cups, leaving 2" stems. Do you not think the humidity and temp I’m running at are not adequate? Or does the dome have other magic properties?
P.S. How did you get “certified” @VelcroThumb. I’m not seeing where the user tutorial is. I could certainly use tutoring .
Lol i am by no means “certified” . I had the same problem you were having with my sprouts, especially the blueberry, it was like it was trying to grow out of the cup! I posted some pix and some folks like @bob31 and @Countryboyjvd1971 steered me in the right direction. I think @bob31 had noticed my soil looked a little too wet and mentioned to me that at this stage, high humidity and light misting on the soil and on the inside of the domes (as opposed to actually watering) would be best since the taproot had not fully developed and could easily drown the plant. I took the domes off when the leaves were close to the sides. Ill go back in my journal, pix and posts and tag you in those. Then i can actually see how many days mine were domed
@Hogfather i realize what you meant now by certified! LMAO
i actually dont remember where it is, but go to your profile and badges and scroll down. I think you can click on most and they will either tell you what you need to do or send you to the tutorial!
Further to this Q @bob31, best to water top or to stand the pots in water for maybe 5 sec and let the soil suck water up?
How did this ever end up?