Nothing like my original design but I adjusted on the fly during the mock up
Pretty packed but, it worked
If I can help, just let me know
Thanks again brother…
I’m pumped… brother… wife is actually happy about it…
It has begun… 3 white widows fems in the soak and I threw in one wild card a grape crush 5.47 ph to be safe
Just want to say Merry Christmas to my new brothers of the craft… you all know how to make a new guy feel welcome and supported. I appreciate all of you gentlemen as you have came before me and I dont dismiss the time and knowledge that you all are passing down to us youngsters… Much respect to you all Stay safe and be Blessed.
From the heart of the youngster…
Lol this is starting to get interesting… buckets should have arrived today… called home depot and was informed that the supplier did make the shipping label but order was not shipped… crazy right… was also told he would return my money and asked if I would repurchase order since he was returning the money… the money will show up on my card in 3-5 business days… but go ahead and order the buckets again now… … no thanks home depot… told them I couldn’t wait 10 more days for some buckets.
So tomorrow it looks like I’ll be visiting a supply store to fix this little inconvenience.
You’re on your way my man