Yellow leaves during flower need help!

I have some yellowing on my leaves and I would say about 6-8 yellow leaves on each plant. I’m going into week 3 of flower on these GG autos And it seems like I have way to many yellow leaves right now. I’ve picked off probably 20 leaves maybe more that have died total. Any help or guidance would be lovely

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A few yellow leaves at bottom of mature plant is pretty normal. But if you’re seeing a lot of them and it looks like they’re working up the plant, then the plant is probably not being fed enough.


I was thinking this same thing… it’s been 80+ everyday and I am watering every other day so I think I will have to water everyday from now on! Thank you for the reassurance!

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Are you mixing nutrients into your water?

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Every other feeding I have been but not much so I think I might start feeding more bloom. Just feeding small amount of cal mag, grow, and bloom right now. That’s the general hydroponics brand

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You are probably pretty safe to raise your ppm. Are you setting ph as well?

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Yes ph is fine and has been good but I will check the run off again next watering to make sure


dont forget that the reason fhe leaves are yellowing is because they are being scavenged of N from the plant to make food to grow tops. You still need N in flower. Many growers pump the P and K and forget about the N thinking the plant isnt making new sun leaves, well that assumption would be false.
My plants are dropping leaves and yellowing too, but they are quite old and the leaves are older sun leaves so Im not terribly concerned, i would be removing them anyway soon.


I made this mistake of upping the p&k while neglecting the N. Wasnt long in letting me know. These plants have such a high metabolism it’s scary :scream:


Dang I didn’t even think about that! I will give them a dose of N today with the watering. I’m going to water every night now since we have been in the 80s and it seem to be dry every day

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Thank you I will feed N today!

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Dont overwater! The soil surface is not a good guage of water retention. What I would do is water and lift the pot. Get another pot, until you get used to it, and fill with rocks until you get to the same weight as the plant and watered soil. Use that to compare weight. If the pot feels lite water, if ot still feel heavy and not wilting… leave it.

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They have been pretty light when I pick them up and it’s been worrying me for a week now. I think my problem is under watering and maybe not feeding any N for the last couple weeks. I’ll double check to see how light and if the top inch is moist then decide to water, thank you for the advice and help


Look for a gap between soil and pot. Any gap and they’re too dry :sunglasses:


Soil was already dry by night time so I am thinking I need to water every night now and I fed with N hopefully the yellowing Doesn’t continue

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ok I think you have diagnosed the issue, so you have a couple solutions, water/feed more or pot up. Now that you are entering flowering potting up may not be a great plan?
In the future you now know that a few weeks pror to flower, it might be a good time to pot up? Makes sense to me.

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Yes I agree. I’m using 5 gallon fabric pots and thought it would be good enough. They grew so fast and so big that it is basically all roots in the put, so the plants are going through a TON of water. I have to water very slow or the water pours right outside the fabrics pots.

Yep the reason is as the root uses the nutrients and expands into the material, it converts much of the carbon into plant material, thus the root becomes the predominant material. Root does not retain water it consumes it.
Essentially, once the plant becomes root bound it becomes a purely hydroponic plant.

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Yes, thank you. I never knew that or thought about it! I definitely have learned allot from this first grow and hopefully I do better on the next one. From what I read, I thought it was bad to re pot Autoflowers because it would stunt them… is there a certain way to re pot so this doesn’t happen

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Gently works, or just plant in a big pot to start with and get used to watering as needed