WPM will it destroy buds?

I’m in week 5 of flower And suddenly have developed WPM will it destroy my buds. Treating with peroxide, can i spray buds with? Will do a bud wash at harvest.

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I believe your on track with your corrections taken. Think it happened from inadequate air flow?

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I’d spray with a mix of milk and water, 25/75 mix. Skin, whole, 2% doesn’t matter just not chocolate or buttermilk! Spray at lights out and you can spray buds too. It’s the bacteria in milk that kills the WPM. Bonus is the plants will absorb the calcium.


Had 2 fans going temps around 80 don’t know. Bummed to say the least!

Tried didn’t seem to work. Only sprayed once 50/50 mix probably didn’t give it a chance to work.

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50/50 water/peroxide. Loooooots of circulation and air exchange. Maintain the at 45 or less.


I tried the milk thing: made a huge mess. I prefer peroxide/water as it leaves no residue.

Lowering RH below 45% will solve WPM as well.


Yeah, when I had it, it took several applications to finally kill it. And then you always think you still have it as there is white residue on the leaves!

But then again, I used h2o2 before as well and fried my buds on one run.


I can only imagine

Most new folks take a while to realize lights off sleepy time in flower can really peak the RH. The plant is still transpiring and now the heat is reducing. Most tents require more throughput in ventilation during the lights out until stabilization. For the 15 minute transition I add 50% more through ventilation from a lung room that is about 30% Rh.

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