Will this autopot setup work?

@registereduser you can buy just the individual parts you want from autopots web site. The up side to getting 2 kits is. You have a second rez. Which will let you go longer with out refills, or run veg nutes for one plant and flower for another. I have 4 sets. So I always have a free rez to flush just one or how ever many plants are ready :+1:


Yeah I know you can get individual parts but when I priced two more pots to add on it came out to $121 with additional valve, T and hose and another two pot system is $137.50 so you basically get another 12 gallon res for $16. The 12 Gallon res is $30 purchased alone. I’m a cheap bastard so anything I can save I will :laughing:


Why did you go plastic?

Do you have air domes coming then and an air pump? If you go fabric no need for air system.

Regardless you’ll love em.

Any autopot questions feel free to tag me


For this one, I wanted plastic to take measurements and see how I can attached it to the scrog frame. Whether you go hard pot or spring bag, the tray is the same, isn’t it?

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Fabric only fits the XL trays, as does the XL plastic.
The others are square.


Since I am getting the XL set up I figured I can switch to fabric when / if I want too. I use fabric pots now.




Looking forward to my little trial. Yours and others endorsement of coco and autopots certainly moved me in that direction.


You’ll be hooked


Looking for confirmation that this mix of Mother Earth coco and blackgold perlite looks about right. You have to forgive me since this in the first time mixing coco & perlite. I am used to mixing OF or Peat with perlite at around 30%. I followed cocoforcannabis ratios of 800g coco & six quarts perlite which is pretty much 50/50. A lot more white than I am used to.
I rinsed the fines out of coco and soaked with 6.5 ph calmag 2x.
It will be a lot more interesting when something is growing in it.

@Nicky @Kotnmouf @Hellraiser @Covertgrower @imSICKkid @Not2SureYet @registereduser


In flower the coco dries back super fast. I personally dont run perlite at all in mine and in some grows I’m still watering twice a day. Not to say that wont work, just make sure your staying on top of things because that mix will dry really fast.


It seemed really light. It is going in an autopot so I don’t know how much difference that will make. I have more to mix up. I can back off a little on the perlite too.


I’ve never ran an autopot but if you can get it to water a few times a day that would be a great mix where your at right now

Edit…just realized you went with 6.5 for the ph. Why so high if your running coco?


I don’t have any perlite in my coco currently either.


Yes I was going to ask same thing, @beardless ya got soil on the brain I thinkin! Lol


And thanks for tag!

Your gonna love this run!

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This is what I used to buffer the coco. Dr MJ Coco in his video “How to Prepare & Buffer Coco” said plain tap water may be used to buffer with calmag. However, my tap water is 7.7 ph.
Additional instructions on
To Double-Buffer Coco:

  1. Prepare buffering solution:
  • Tap water may be used for buffering solution
  • Add at least 7.5 ml/Gal of General Hydroponics CaliMagic
  • Electrical Conductivity (EC) of the buffering solution should be 1200-2000
  • pH of the buffering solution should be greater than 6.2

I ph’d it to 6.5 which is the ph to be used to further rinse the mix to obtain the desired EC TDS for seedlings and transplants

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Thats strange as I thought you were supposed to be around 5.8 or 5.7-6.0 as coco sweet spot. Maybe I’ve been doing it wrong this whole time …now I must investigate further.
I’ve always ph’d everything to 5.8 in coco.


Plants grown in coco coir need a pH level ranging from 5.5 to 6.3 , depending on the life stage of the plants. Normally, pH is adjusted to 5.5 - 5.8 during growth and 6.0 - 6.3 during bloom, which helps the plant to assimilate the most demanded nutrients at each stage.

This is basically what I thought the norm was for coco


I have not got to the growing part. I am just in the preparing coco phase. I was a little confused with the prep instructions too. I always read in the forum about ph being lower. I assumed the feed ph is what is low and decreases the coco ph.

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