2 bag seeds, 5 weeks into flower, got I inside under a hlg135 v2, been her awhile reading and learning from some incredible cultivars, unfortunately I’m in the south east where it’s the devil’s lettuce
Thanks for all the inspiration, and any advice
I am guessing you are out side. @Myfriendis410, @MattyBear, @Big123 grow out side and may be able to help
I have one bag seed plant goin myself, i have 3 blueberry og f8 goin as well. Im still learning the lingo i call it 8th generation and the strain is bbog im not sure what its called but glad to see you on here. Im from the east as well and here its also the devils lettuce, i like that term as well lol. I hope you enjoy the forum alot of people are helpful on here.
Sorry didnt realize you been on here alot longer then i have. Still its a great place ive been given nothing but good info.
I’ve seen branches die on stressed plants with temperatures in high 30’s at night. If she’s not too stressed she might just be able to take it, any tall trees, structures nearby that will protect her a little from cold?
Can she be moved indoor?
I no problem ,you guys have been a wealth of knowledge
Cool its against my shed wall,supposedly to have high 50s and low 28 next 2 days
Is she small enough to put a cardboard box or some thing similar over her. That would help a little I would Think. And maybe some thing like this for a little heat? I know they put out some heat.
I hope the weather warms back up soon its been 19 degrees Fahrenheit here all day theres no way one could live outside here right now, its been so warm the last few weeks i have green onions popping up and rhubarb comin up too its all gona get frosted now its supposed to be cold cold tonite here
The 2 outside are 4ft tall ,got some clear plastic, thonl that will work,
Ive only had 1 outside ever and it didnt do much i didnt have it in a good spot and deer got it once then the cats got it and finally the fedex man seen it and i had to cut it down early.
Got a kush plant under my hlg135 seeds I bought from a seed bank, thanks to the people on here I got that one flowering,
I got deer alot this year but mline are in fenced backyard,
Thats the way to do it. I have 2 fenced garden areas on my property im in the process of getting a 3rd one but dont have all the money i need to finish it hopefully i will by the time to plant comes around.
I’m determined to grow my own, l need it for medical reasons, and you never know what you’re getting here no way I could have done this good without you wonderful folks
I here you about money, since my injuries ,court draggin, I have a great girlfriend and paid off mortgage things would be very tough.
You maybe able to use some thick blue Styrofoam and make a box, I know that many around here do that and place it over their exposed well head. Also an incandescent light in same box can help
Don’t want to throw of my 12 darkness there in flowering
My mortgage is paid off FINALLY! now im workin on building up the soil i have been going down to the river bottom across the road from my house and bringing back two 5 gallon buckets of river dirt back with me every time i go to check thw mail, ive got around 30 buckets full so far and its gona help my soil out alot, well thats the plan this is the first year ive done it just tryin to get some good exercise and build my soil at the same time im a multitasker most of the time