Holy Brother Willy, so glad you’re doing well. Sending every feel good vibe I have your way my friend
Thank you all. The thoughts, well wishes & prayers mean so much.
@kaptain3d @Low @Twelve1 @MadamCalamity @OGIncognito @AL_GREEN @DoneDeal @Retiredoldguy
I was shocked when they told me yesterday I’d be released today as my heart showed minimal damage. That got nixed when the AFib started this morning so they gotta get that straight before they’ll discharge me.
I see them on flowers that have purple calyxes, I’m not positive if it’s the stalks actual color or a reflection from the calyx. I suppose if one were removed it would be easier to tell. They smoke ok though grin
Sending continued healing vibes to you @WilIy !
At least the afib started while you were still there, but sorry that it occurred at all.
Thanks for the update, and wishing all goes well and you can be home soon!
Thank you .
Your so right, we live a long ways to have to return plus I didn’t even know it was happening until they came in asking if I was ok…then I’m like ya everything hurts cause y’all scaring the heck outta me lol.
They got my heart to a normal rhythm with meds. and released me.
Looking forward to tonight, a comfy bed with no one waking me up for meds & vitals
Yeah, it sounded like they were far away.
I’m so glad that the meds put your heart into normal rhythm and that you are home, in your own comfy bed without interruptions!
Welcome back to your home Willy, get some good rest eh.
So glad you are home now. Nothin like sleeping in your own bed especially after what you’ve been through the last few days. Take it easy Willy
Wishing you a speedy recovery dude!
I liked y’all’s posts and ment to respond but ended up forgetting.
@Bentstick Thanks, I’ve been trying . Came home and the garden was feeling about the same as me…3 days past dried. Thankfully my wife gave em some water to hold em until I could tend to them.
Thank you kindly Ma’am. I’ve gotten stronger and managed to get a couple of things done today, a few minutes at a time but it felt good to be up & around.
Appreciate it man
Grape Octane
109 days up, 68 in flower
She went dry for a few days and smelt like the inside of a coffee roasting plant when I came home. A lot more pleasant fragrance now, still coffee mostly. I removed most of the dead fans and will begin chopping her soon.
Hope you feeling better
Super chunky! Very nice man
Thanks, I’m getting there
Appreciate it bro. She swole up since Sundays watering after being dry for at least 3 days…seeing first hand the possible affects of bone dry soil in late flower…she got loud , smell changed a lot, increase in trich’s once watering continued. I removed all the dried shriveled fans yesterday and saw a few nanners release as I disturbed the branches…seems I’ve developed a real talent for causing hermies I don’t need no stinking sts lol
Sounds like a pretty interesting observation brother man. She looks banging. Got me excited and it’s not even mine. Haha hermies the more variety I go through the more I see them. The moment I take any passed their window, nature steps in and hermies pop. Just a little bit of stress around the window can make it happen too.
WOW!! That Grape Octane is fat girl
125 days up, 63 in flower
I wish I could make this thing into cologne it smells so good… sandalwood & dew laden cotton with a splash of lemon. She’s got 3 weeks or so left. Most years by 2nd week of Nov we’ll get a good freeze for 1 week minimum. Today is 8 Nov , forecast for 10 days is 70/38. Being from north India and suited for cool temps she should be ok, we’ll see if she finishes before the freeze hits .
Oh yeah did I mention she smalls great.
Incredible plant Brother, digging those cola rockets
Malana Cream Bubble Bath
After a partial deseeding and a dry sift I’m bubbling the shake. Pleasantly surprised with the color…at a distance.
I put it in a bag then into a vacuum chamber and let it run until the vacuum stabilizes then warm & squeeze to check it’s dry. I’ve done both wet and frozen first and can’t tell a difference in texture. Sieved between 25-72 microns.
Zoomed in you can see the mixed in but it isn’t too bad…I keep telling myself lol
If I was allowed to smoke some now I’d like the spicy woody taste and slowly relaxing Indica type buzz from a sativa . I’d think the taste is perfect for a hash although it needs to age and would pair well with how the Parvati smells. I mean if I was able to test it, I’d taste test a tiny sliver and hope to not be busted
That’s awesome Willy