We are starting our our second grow ever after our first was a success. Will be posting new info and pics looking for any help and suggestions along this journey. Here they are so far as 2 day old seedlings.
Day 12 from sprout
Babies are looking good and healthy.
Happy growing
Zip ties huh. Love it.
Yeah always put the zip ties there so when I go to stress train I can just tie the plant ties to them works amazing really.
Day 14 from sprout for the small Tent and day 6 from sprout in the bigger tent/all looking healthy and happy will start training all soon!!
Looking great! Look like they are putting down some serious roots systems, should start to explode soon!
Looking good!
Are these the Fast Buds plants? What strains?
The bigger tent are all fast buds 2 Bruce banner auto and 2 crystal meth autos and then the smaller tent has 2 GSCE autos from ilgm
Smaller tent is on day 17 from sprout and the others r in day 9 from sprout
First, the girlies look really good.
Second, as to when they are in veg - oddly enough, that’s not as easy as it seems. Lots of opinions around this. I judge by them growing new leaves. Once they start putting out new leaf sets daily, they are in veg.
In other words, once they have gotten their roots going nicely - yours obviously do - they start pushing a new set of leaves every 1-2 days. With autos, that veg period can be super short - witness my Lucy blooming at day 16 - but if you are asking when can you start training (nice setup with the zip ties, btw) I would say after one or two more sets of leaves come up. Be very gentle with the baby training, just a wee bit at a time.
Baby plants are so cute, but I find this stage is a bit worrisome to me. I feel much happier when they start growing like mad.
Yes me to they seem so fragile in the seedlings stage
Been using this root helper made by reefertizers it was a promotional thing I had gotten from a shop and is some kind of micro something for root health and seems to be working
Having trouble keeping my temperature down in both tents tried everything I can think of any body have any suggestions??? Other than that the girls seem to be handling it ok don’t u think???