Planting my first batch from seed and I’m running into some brown spots on the leaves. They popped through the ground on 7/20, bust have been experiencing the issues for the past 4 days.
Strain: ILGM photo Gorilla Glue
Soil: fox farms happy frog
Vessel: tiki solo cups
Indoor: 90w (from plug) blurple running veg switch only and a 200w blurple on other side of 2x4 tent vegging another plant
Temps: high 88 low 78
Humidity: 43%-58%
4 in vent system with booster fan on hose coming out of the tent. 1 6in fan inside
No C02
Getting the temp fixed this week with a lung tent and an ac unit. I have a dehumidifier going in the garage, but it’s only because I’m finishing flower on a couple plants. I plan on putting the dehumidifier in the lung tent too. I’ve had ziplock bags over them until just recently, but I will put them back on.
I also went with happy frog because Ocean forest is too hot for young plants. The good thing is I’m only keeping 3 since I’m doing a perpetual grow so if they keep having issues, they will be the first to go.
This is only my 2nd time growing so I’m finally getting fully controlled environment going.
Ziplock bags may not be the best solution. Condensation can form on the leaves where the bags touch them and cause issues. Especially if there’s high intensity light. Clear solo cups or even cut off clear soda bottles (where nothing touches) are better.
Most of those girls are stretching out over the edge of the container, (now that I look closer).
Maybe just go without a dome for a week and see how they fare. It’s almost time to repot. I don’t want you to force yourself to drink all that soda.
Transplanting out of fabric pots can be a b!tch. Roots grow into the pots and get ripped out when you transplant. I used to go from solo cups into 1 gal plastic pots, then into the 7gal fabric pots.
Now, unless I need time, I go right from the solo cups to the final home.
pH 7.0 is a bit high, but shouldn’t cause issues in a well balanced soil, within a couple weeks. I’m betting the plastic bags were exacerbating things.
I got the ones with the Velcro strip to make it easier, but I see what you are saying. I’ll prob use a knife to trim around before I try and pull them out.
7 has been getting me about 6.3-6.7 in the runoff pretty consistently but no runoff for the solos. Will start tracking once I transplant them. I do want to invest in a better quality ph meter and ppm meter just so I’m on point.