I have 3plants two are in wk5 and one in wk3 2 in soil and 1 in soilless the two at 5wks from seed till now one was short and bushy and one was taller and less leafy all 3 came from the same seed bank. I am asking this question because i am a new grower and i have read lots on growing and spoken to of many growers aswell and now am getting the hands on experience aswell and from what ive read about genetics etc would indicate tht i have two different plants but may be the same if one is more sativa dominant than indica or rudarlis etc is that or could that be the case. If so that will mean that all 3 might produce or should produce different types is that correct what i am saying or am i not getting it and am totaly wrong…???
From my experience, all plants are different. Even my clones will react different. Different stresses, light,ph and so forth can cause reactions. Now if the one is indica shape leave and other is sativa then they could be different. Pictures?
Their mothers were different. Ive got four crystal girls going. Two are low & bushy while two are 3 inches talker with a smaller leaf span.
Even within a strain there will be variations expressed by phenotype. The only sure way to maintain EXACTLY the same result is to have a mother plant and take clones.
@JJ.chronic.clones @Myfriendis410 @Laurap Here are a couple of pics two pics are of the 5wk ones and the third is all of them together.
! The first pic is the less leafy and the second one is shorter and more leafy 20171029_090528|374x500 f i have a third that is 10day younger and its nearly bushier and nearly as tall as the one in the second picture. Infact here is a pi ture of all three together. i hope this is helpful…???SUPPORT TICKET:
Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA= smokey bear
Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco?= Smart pots
System type? = Soil + soiless
PH of runoff or solution in reservoir? = Na
What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS = Na
Indoor or Outdoor= indoor
Light system, size? =Cheap 300w led
Temps; Day= 25-28 celcius night= 25 to 26 celsius
Humidity; = day= 55% night=71%
Ventilation system; 4inch kenly extractor inline fan and a 4inch black orchid inline extractor fan the kenly goes into a carbon filter and extracts out the tent while the black orchid brings in fresh cool air in and i have a 4inch clip on fan and a 12inch tower fan helping circulate the air and temp etc.
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier, =No
Co2; = No
Didnt have my Tds meter the last time they were watered and fed until last night and ive misplaced my book that i keep all my data in. I am keeping a record of everything i am doing just incase i do something amazing and have an amazing crop i want do be able do do it over and over. So was told to keep a note of it all.
It happens with soil, roots hit a hot spot, rock, bark, could be anything causing it. I wouldn’t worry. I have had plants out grow the others during flower. A branch just decided it was done flowering while the rest is still growing, on the same plant.
My first employee.
@JJ.chronic.clones did you get a look at the pictures i put up .
This is the easiest way I ever thought of it…not all your seeds are identical twins, allot of them are, but not all, some of the seeds will be fraternal twins, therefore, because fraternal twins are not identical, not all of your plants will be identical
Yes i fully agree witg @JJ.chronic.clones only time you get the same plant strain is clone my friend
I get tht . What i ment was they look like a total diffrent strain. Is it
possible i was mistaking or that i was given diffrent strains. I bought
them through a shop near me but is supposedly from a respectable seed bank.
I didnt buy them direct. But they did come in a little tube with the strain
and seed bank or genetic company.
Last grow i had 3 amnesia haze & 3 ak47s. Mid way thru hubby was convinced i accidentally mislabeled them as two plants in each strain looked alike but the 3rd looked like a redheaded step child. This was late veg pre flower. Long story short i didnt mislabel Had to realize that although i got all seeds at same time from a bank, just like $, a bank doesnt give you all bills back in sequenced bills so why would this be different?
Yes could be brother
I see some goo dreplies.
Most genetics are hybrids these days. A breed of Indica and Sativa together. Growing in soil and soil-less can produce different pheno to dominate. A plant can take genetics of the mother or the father, and this is why you get 2 different looks in the same grow and from same lot of seeds.
If you want the same look and footprint through entire grow; Use clones, and do a SOG
Happy growing, lw
that’s exactly what I got from three White Widows, one is short and bushy, while the other is tall and ‘loose leafed’ as you say. the other is kind of in the middle! LoLs! Weird. And clones grow stems every which way!
@latewood thank you i am very interested in the genetic sides of this oh and the smoking of it of course but it really fascinates me. Plus was told to relax more and getting a bit fed up of gaming all the time guess i am getting old lol na just need an escape from the mad house. Thank you for all the great feed back i really appreciate it i am doing most things right even down to problems ive came across and this site has been amazing to say the least. Before i started this little project i did alit of reading even as i was doing it i still read book after book video after video and still do but having hands on experience is invaluable not to mention having all you amazing growers boy girl not matter wat youve all been amazing thank you all @latewood @JJ.chronic.clones @Caosred. Thanks to you all and am sorry if ive not thanked you with a mention. I do apologise i just cant remeber names am bad for forgetting hense why i always take notes. Oh yeah @daz49 thanks. Can you pop up wen you see this please @daz49 i need to ask you something and you and i are close so you’ll be able to help me with this question and anyone else can help if they know.
Your very welcome
Yeah I definitely think everyone has already got this one
Lol sorry if i annoy or upset anyone that isnt my intention i am just trying to gather as much knowledge reguardin growing. And having so many great growers to speak to and ask for help or advice. Thanks very much for your help. Again i do apologise if i upset or annoy anyone tthat isnt my intention i really am sorry.
Don’t even trip all is good we all adults on here so think thay can handle it