Lets see them pics
@Fieldofdreams decorated his
I took a shit at it but found the branches sag even with tiny bulbs. This was the best I could do. Merry Christmas !!
@TT here ya go!!
Oh snap you’re already here lol. Oopsies @TT
Looking awesome
Lol ya i finally re found it
Need to see more fellow growers have some fun with it
Mama was pimping for potforpot.com, should find out soon if she won anything. Note the p4p and Ilgm stickers? part of the prize package is 150.00 coupon for ilgm beans.
Work it girls. Work it!
Hot news just off the press, mama got paid for pimping the buds out. 200.00 from a potforpot.com for the KushmasTree contest. 150.00 that is Ilgm coupon. And 50.00 for p4p. That will order a refill kit for superb soil for next year to try again. Monthly contest as well.
Anyone need a break and wants water only, this kit worked, 3 zips in grove bag.
Congrats to you both @Mosca !!
Thank you, mama was very very happy, and to quote a wise ole guy, happy wife, happy life or some thing lol. Mama ordered purple punch and dos si do today with her prize.