White Widow light schedule

Newbie here…My seedlings are about an inch out of the ground. Should I have them on a 24 light cycle now. Is that going to be a problem?


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You can, I have kept mine on 18/6 and not had any issues. I know that some like to do 24 on. There may be some circumstances that would possibly be necessary to do 24 .I’m not experienced enough to be sure why.

I’m a firm believer that they need a dark period to rest. When I started growing I used the 24 hr light schedule and took some advice I got on this forum and switch it to 20/4. I’ve found I get quicker growth with a rest break.


I’ve grown seedling 18/6 and 24/0. The only difference that I’ve noticed is that when you run 24/0 you get shorter node spacing.

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I forgot to say, Welcome to ILGM FORUM.

Welcome to the forum.

I run 18/6 and have not had any issues. I’m with @Watt-Sun I think they need to rest. I tried 6/2 and did not see any benefit.

You could also run a candle stick method and have ridiculous results with less power consumption… :+1::wink::exploding_head::thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow::grin::upside_down_face::smirk::smiling_imp:

I’m not familiar with that. Can you explain?


Ya , I run my lights for only 14 hours during vegg…
On at 6 pm
Off at 6 am
On at 11 am
Off at 1 pm
On again at 6 pm and it just continues that way…


Besides a reduction in electrical costs have you seen any other benefits?

My plants literally grow like weeds with this light schedule…
My clones grow extremely fast as well and because I take them in flower they don’t really seem to skip a beat when going back into vegg and root right away…
It also makes it easier to sex plants when I’m growing from seed , because I just grab them and put them in a card board box for those 2 hours from 11 am to 1 pm , so they are basically on a 12/12 light cycle without those 2 hours of light…
Basically , since I’ve started using this light cycle , I’ll never go back to any other schedule , my plants are to happy and healthy…
I’ll get a pic here of my vegg in a little bit… :+1::wink:


That’s very interesting! That sounds like someone bumped their timer and figured out it helped lol!

I give the seedlings 24/7 until the second node. Then 18/6 until flower

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Ken Harris

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I do a 12/12 schedule from start to finish. I personally wouldn’t run 24/7. I don’t want a $400 Power bill every month.

You grow photos with 12/12?

I hear you on the electric bill, mine was pushing $500 last month.

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Yup…I grow completely on a 12/12 schedule and you have seen my results. Since I’m on a fixed income through the Veterans Administration I can’t afford a 18/6 schedule.
Now when my last Harley Davidson payment is done in November, I’ll be able to afford the 18/6 schedule.

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This is a widely debated topic and when I first got into autos I was also under the impression more time with lights in = more energy and thus bigger buds.

Over time and reading more into it I started to see that anything will work and anything with a bit of lights off will give you less issues than leaving them in 24 but then I ran across a poll on a forum for only autoflower growers.
It showed that by far the most popular scedule was 20/4, followed by 18/6, 24/0 and finally 12/12 and a few in the other category like peachfuz but what I really noticed was the comments of all the people who started at 24/0 and noticed how when they switched to something else they no longer had so many deficiencie issues arise in their grows.

You can run a lower or high light scedule with autos they don’t really care but depending on how powerful your light is might really determine what you can run.
DLI is what it’s all about

What kind of sorcery is this :man_mage:? . Is this a @peachfuzz original schedule ? I can’t find anything on the web about it?

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Its called (candle sticking)…
Its actually something done outdoors when your plants are in the ground to keep your plants in vegg even when the days are short…
I use it indoors , to save on electricity and because the plants love it…

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