White blotches on leaves

Hi Folks. I’m growing Harlequin outdoors, they are in their 4-5 week of flowering. I have many lower leaves that have white bleached areas, thought it was Powdery Mold , treated with plant protector 3 times. The White blotches do not wipe off with a wet paper towel. Plant seems healthy, I use ILGM liquid fertilizer. The blotches seem to be growing in number. Any advice? maybe a nutrient deficiency?.

Plants are 9 feet tall.

Pictures or it didn’t happen…


Can’t do that. All I have is an old Flip Phone.

Not going to get good advice without more info.

I am treating it now, with ILGM anti fungal spray, and 9-1 Milk mixture, in a spray bottle.

I treated the plants 2x times with ILGM Fungus spray, and put 3 coats of 9-1 Milk Spray. Now there is no White powder anywhere on the plants. I trust I have won this battle.

Just a shot in the dark, but are you careful with your ph down? I’ve noticed little bleach spots mine from not being careful while adjusting. I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out what the spots were, and then noticed that I dropped some another time after that. So I just kept an eye on the spot that I dripped on , and low and behold a bleach looking spot appeared and everything was good.

Thank you