Where are the buds?

2 White Widow photoperiod plants entering 6th week of flowering, grown under identical conditions, including toppings and training. Plant on left has beautiful, large colas, while plant on the right has shown no development of colas, at all. Both femenized seeds came from same purchase, same packet. Never any signs of it being male. Only my second grow and I am baffled.

Some plants take longer to form bud sites than others. My Chocolopes put me through the ringer trying to get them to Bud. It took almost two weeks of crazy light schedules to get them to do it.

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Just an observation. Back off on your feedi g just a bit. The leaves curling down with dark waxy leaves means they are recieiving too much nitrogen… also male sure your ph is between 6.5 and 6.8 if in soil for flowering for optimal nute uptake.