I flipped my plant last week and now it’s in it’s stretch. I thought I timed it better to fill out the SCROG net this time but not as good as I would have liked. Next time…
I’m pretty agressive with triming my plant asper the small grow room I have and have been pretty productive with my grows. So my question is, how much more can I trim fan leaves before I get to flower which will probably be in 2-3 more weeks?
Looks like there’s plenty of room for airflow as they are. Don’t take too much off. The plant needs its leaves to make the sugars the plant uses to grow and be healthy.
morning…from the pictures I don’t see a reason to trim at this time…you did a good job and she looks good…I personally sparingly take big fan leaves as needed every day and her last good haircut about 2-3 weeks after flip …
Right now she looks okay but a week from now those fan leaves will crowd out light to the budding flowers. And 2-and 3 weeks it will be as think as a jungle.
Some use the 21/42 day rule for defol. I personally do not strip her for the stretch. I trim a bit before the 12/12 switch and let her do her thing for those first 3 weeks and don’t trim anything as I want her to focus on vertical growth, not repairing damage. Then at 21 days flower, I give her a nice undercarriage trim and look for fans toward the middle of the plant that are blocking either light or air. Perimeter fans I leave. I do not do another big trim at 42, I just trim here and there only as needed for air/light.
Flowers don’t require light to produce. Plants need leaves to produce flowers. Never take off more than you have to.
I strip the bottom third of the plant at plus three weeks from first pistils along with a select amount of fan leaves to improve air flow and penetration of light to lower leaves.
This is 6 days from my original post with pictures. I have no room to raise my LED light anymore which is 6" away from the top of my plant. This should be interesting. I thought I did my flip early enough and the stretch wouldn’t be this much. Opps!
I have done three grows now since I restarted growing (4 or 5 plants each) with complete defoliations on the day I flip and on day 21. The kool-aid I drank is that the first stimulates bud development and the second causes the next leaves to grow smaller giving lots of surface area without blocking light…same technique as Bonsai. I give them the nutes they need, including sugers…so they do not seem to suffer. Averaging about 25 oz. in a 4x4 tent…I know other do better…but I am sold.