Hi Guys,
I have attached pictures. looks like pest but I can’t find anything below leaves. Can it be something else?
Overall garden looks happy.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi Guys,
I have attached pictures. looks like pest but I can’t find anything below leaves. Can it be something else?
Overall garden looks happy.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Looks like a leaf muncher of some sort
Looks like something was munching on leaves.
A light spray down with neem oil every few weeks before flower will deter most pests.
Do you have a cat ? Mine love to eat leafs
@CAgrower well, let’s reverse engineer this…
1.) Is this an outdoor grow? If so, what exposure to “outside” do your plants have? Are they partially screen covered or in a greenhouse?
2.) Do you have any pets?
It’s indoor. No cats. Probably is a caterpillar. Will use the captain Jack. Thanks for all the help. If it doesn’t work I let you know and ask for more help.
Do you top or fem your plant’s?
That’s what mine look like after the leaves get older after I top and fem them…
I don’t use scissors , I just grab and pluck with my fingers , so the leaves tend to look all jacked up when they get older…
I have topped them.
If its just a single fan leaf or two i just wrap a sandwich bag over it and pluck it off. Bag to keep critters from dropping off it If there are any.
That’s what it was from…
Only thing that I know of bug wise that will eat plants like that are cutter bees…
Thanks for all the help.
Good idea with the sandwich bag.