What's eating my plant?

I’ve had my tent door open in the basement due to high heat and humidity. I found insect bites on two leaves a few days ago. I took the plant out of tent and left outside so the rest of plants wouldn’t get infested with whatever is eating the leaves. Today I found a couple more leaves with insect marks on another plant in the tent. See photos. What is it?

You need a magnifier to see the back of your leaves, this way I find I have spider mites. Also you need to inspect your plants very carefully.

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would be my suspect but could be other pests most are dealt with in same fashion DE insecticidal soap etc…

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Okay, thanks everyone.

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@Bobbi do a search dor neem oil on here it and the D.E. have kept me pest free for a long time now

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Sorry for posting here but I have a question… What is best for killing bugs/spider-mites or something else? But I need to be good for plants and for soil.

Insectcidal soap will kill most bugs the trick is it only works if repeated several times during the pests life cycle so knowing your enemy is best it will drown and kill adults and larvae of mites but not eggs :wink:

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