This is what I’ve always thought aswell, but recently got told the opposite, I mean I have pistils with damaged tips every single run and I’ve never had a seeded plant yet burnt tips in early flower and preflower and late flower. I suppose it depends on how it was pollenated wether accidental or intentional
Ok I’d like to climb out of the pistil rabbit hole now please. This plant went through a quick re-veg and my state is experiencing 100° temps this month so any cues coming from looking at pistils will not give me accurate information about when I should harvest the plant. I’m going to hold out until I get a 70/30% on the trichomes and then pull the plant. Which should happen sometime next week. Thanks for all of the replies I suppose. Carry on.
You need to have a word with your attitude and ego buddy, with all due respect, “I suppose”
The topic is “What would you do if you were me”…I suppose that is not really what is being asked since several folks have answered and not appreciated.
I agree Brother!!
Ladybugs and if you can get a praying mantis egg, they come out of egg ready to feast
I suppose you are correct
You asked a question and everyone gave solid advice. More than several people offered the identical answers, and my opinion is the same.
Pistils will turn brown when matured.
Arguing with members after asking for input is a little bit much. You asked, and you got answers.
Accept them or not, but don’t give an attitude when you don’t like the answers. The poor attitude towards members is unacceptable. It’s not difficult to agree to disagree, but don’t troll. I would suggest to readjust your mindset when asking a question on this forum. We’re all here to be helpful, or take a vacation. I don’t care.
If people would read the whole post and not the headline yes. Its a simple matter of sacrafice. Do I harvest early and not let my plant continue to be beaten down by these 100° temps and an onslaught of aphids because my plant is the only thing green and somewhat thriving in the area. Or do I save the plant by harvesting 1 or 2 weeks early. I cant help it if people cant comprehend the context . This isnt my first prison rodeo my man. I know whats going on with my plant believe me. Im just wondering what others would do in this situation. Wtf
Sounds like you could use some moderation yourself.
I suggest you remove me from this forum of sensitive cannabis cry babies . That better?
You will not be missed…
Deuces my brother !
See ya
Don’t let the door bite him on the way out.
We don’t need the grief.
I would sacrifice weight over quality.
Curious did you put the mesh over them. Did it help. I don’t know what to do about bugs outside sorry about that. I grow everything inside so I am in control. No sprays on my plants and no outside dust. Wish the best.
What do the trichomes look like. Not the pistils but the trichomes.
I’d chop my plant and carry on. Aphids? High temps? Chop it, damn.
So it’s a little Spacey high
Bitchin doesn’t do anything but show your colors
Everyone tried to help in their own way
Take it and move on
Nevermind,he got put in the corner
When ya get back read above
If ya don’t like,it let me know
@StonedCold13 I frikin love your attitude Brother you call em the way you see em! Keep on keepin on!!
Gotta stay positive these days or shit will beat ya,like the above
Plus G-Mans s keep me floatin right
Ask yourself what would Mary Jane do?
Relax smoke this and teach others the way?