I have jarred up several autoflower grows. With the members help I implemented better PH and PPM monitoring and nutrient applications for soil. My first grow of photos is underway. With @dbrn32 help (again with my apologies) I am adding some supplemental lights to my 3x3. This endeavor has lead me to Daily Light Integral and its use by members and relative value. I am looking at Mr Meter 1332B LED Light Meter .
I can see its value for life cycle light requirements, setting lamp heights and general curiosity. What say you?
I use a lux meter made by same company just a different model and I’ve found it very useful in adjusting light height and intensity as well as positioning of plants in the tent. Just have to be aware of the limitations of using a Lux meter as they may need a conversion from LUX to PPFD based on what light source it’s reading.
Lux is term for lumens per square foot. I don’t use them because even though there are conversion factors, to be accurate the sensor must be calibrated to spectrum its measuring. From there, you will always have other factors that will play into how much light your plants will process. And some plants can just be more light sensitive than others.
To me, it’s just too easy to look around and see what others are having success with for a starting point. Then adjust as you see fit from there and apply what you learn about YOUR space.
understand. more curious as to the difference when new lights are added
Will be a big difference.
Kind lights run about 1.3 ppf per watt, I think your lights pulls about 288 watts? That’s a total radiometric flux of about 375 umols/s. You have xl 600 right?
This is third party test report from larger fixture
Here is test report for photoboost strips
Your 4 photoboost strips will put out more energy in the par region than the entire kind xl 600, using about half the power.
Amazing isn’t it. Kind did a very good job of marketing and good ole GOOGLE logarithms kept coming up with blurples. I did go back to Kind web site and looked for the specs. Curious as to why they don’t really publish them. I bought everything is 8/2019 from Hydrobuilder. Their original package included the XL450 so I at least recognized it would be under powered and got the 600 along with upgraded tent, fans, exhaust etc.etc. Looking forward to see what the photo boost will do. It should really even out the spectrum with added juice for finishing.
A lot of the better light manufacturers do post them. Only reason I could think of is that if they did post an apples to apples report, nobody would pay the amount of money being asked for them.
You got that right. I thought their price was reasonable compared to Black Dog - (I’m smiling)