What’s your EC/PPM?

I am wondering what everyone is shooting for with there EC? Or PPM? Like how much during
Seedling stage:
Early VEG:
Mid-Late VEG:
Early flower:
Mid flower:
Late flower:
If you use BIG BUD or any additives like that what week do you add them?
How hard have you pushed a plant with nutes? 1500ppm? 2000ppm? 3000ppm?
I am Just asking because I feel like my girls aren’t getting enough nutrients. I don’t want to overdue it. But I’ve gone through 3 crops now and not once seen nute burn or even “painted nails” that much. I am using the suggested feeding chart that has me feeding at about 1400ppm every other day or so with 2 or 3 feedings and then a water and kleanse watering. I’m just wondering if you’ve all had plants that were heavy feeders and had to push them a little harder? Thanks :pray:t5:


Good morning :sun_with_face:


Now THATS an outdoor grow!!! :rofl:

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My last grow was an extremely heavy feeder. I had to give her double doses of Jacks to keep her runoff PPM at 1,000.

My opinion: bloom boosters are unnecessary and I’d go as far as to call them “snake oil.” All bloom boosters are is a stronger solution of P and K that is already in the product you already use. If you want the effect of “bloom boosters,” just feed more of your nute line’s PK product. Many bloom boosters are very salty. You will be introducing less salts into your grow medium doing this and will still achieve the effect you are looking for. Adding bloom boosters may result in a mineral salt buildup that submarines root zone pH.


Was doing 1000 - 1200ppm but last two feedings been up to 1500. My highest yet. GH floranova bloom. Im gonna try higher and expect to have problems cuz my lights a blurple. Does it make sense I’ll need more light to match more food at some point

Yes. Plants that get more light can be pushed harder with nutes.

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1/4 tsp of bloom booster per gallon adds less ppm and doesn’t affect the ph as much as 1 tsp of liquid bloom nutes from my experience. I can add a 1/4 tsp of bloom booster and still be in ph and ppm range or really close. If I add 1 extra tsp of bloom my ph tanks and ppms go high and now I have to add ph up to get back in range which adds to the ppms. I’ve never “burnt” a plant with bloom boosters

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I get that. The problem is that salty products bond to the grow medium over time and create a salt buildup, which submarines pH and requires a good flush to correct the issue. Some products are less salty; however, Fox Farms Beastie Bloom, Open Sesame, and Cha Ching are all incredibly salty.

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Are you checking ppm after you adjust ph? I pretty much just add my nutes. Check ppm then adjust the ph. I don’t really care if the ppm goes up after that. Just as long Im not adding a shit ton of ph adjuster. Should I be checking it after I adjust ph?

I don’t use down or up to adjust the ph I use tap water and bloom nutes to adjust my ph so ppms are not really a concern to me. If my ph is low I add enough extra tap water to bring it in range and if it’s high I add enough extra bloom nutes to bring it down. I’ll do both to get my mix just right without adding up or down or worrying about over or under feeding. It’s tricky


It is tricky… :slightly_smiling_face:

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My tap water is 40ppm so basically almost equivalent of RO water. It takes the ph of whatever I mix it with. I can’t adjust the ph with water without adding MULTIPLE GALLONS! :person_facepalming:t5: Trust me I tried to bring it back in range numerous times and couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t moving. I’ve used maybe 12 ounces of ph down and maybe an ounce of a ph up for 4 grows now. Hundreds of gallons of water!

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I have more problems with my plants when I’m ph’ing my tap water then I do just using straight tap