Hey everyone, I’ve been battling this deficiency for a while in this plant but have gotten it fixed in the rest of my plants. I’m not even sure how but I did. I think it may be a nitrogen deficiency but I’m sure you all know a lot better than I do. I tried googling deficiencies but can’t find anything to match up well enough to know for sure.
How long they been in flower🤔
From just the few bud pics she looks in the home stretch with them swollen up calxy.
Unless you plan on re-veging it, I wouldn’t worry to much about it if she’s about done that is.
The sugar leaves seem very vibrant green makeing me think it’s taking up plenty of N.
I agree with both and for curiosity’s sake would like to know if you’re using calmag at this stage? Just asking cos of the leathery leaves.
Honestly tho, once my buds have done their thing and the plant goes into that boring stage where not much changes except ripening, I stop caring and chalk everything upto the plant showing old age Unless the buds are burning or im seeing mold the leaves can kiss my ass by then, I’ve done enough
Looks like overuse of nitrogen for the leathery leaves because the other ones in the pic are very dark green. @TrichromeTay ,Yeah she’s to the point of flowering she’s doing a natural fade keep on keeping on budro nice job
Lol. I understand that logic but I guess I just look at it as a person. Yeah they’re at the end of their lives but might as well love them till the end of I’ve put in this much effort right?
I am not using calmag. That is one thing I never got around to using this time around but I do plan on using it my next grow. Tbh this has all kinda been a whim decision to start growing when I was given seeds and decided to plant them but wanted to do things right.