What is this? Fungi or deficiency?

I’ve found a couple of leaves on my plant that look like this, they’re low on the plant and closer to the center. They haven’t gotten any nutrient water or water in general on these leaves. There were other leaves that are also starting to get spots (2 or 3) but were less dramatic as this. Soil is Fox Farm Ocean Soil, in 7 gal pots, tent has 2 SF100s on 100% at about 16”-19” pH has dropped really low in the past week, at about 5.5, and I’ve been feeding with water pHed to 6.6 in an attempt to bring it up. PPM is at about 1200 and is due for nutes next watering. Plant is also drooping considerably. Temps range from 76° F to 81° F, and humidity is around 45%-50%. Anybody have any idea what could be causing this?


Those are lower leaves so expect the ones that don’t get tons of light to drop off and die. However if this issue is on upper leaves as well…

Dark brown splotches are usually a calcium deficiency I believe, but based on what you’re saying that calcium deficiency could be the result of a substrate pH out of the optimal range. I think it could be that because I just faced the EXACT same issue with near identical symptoms. Checked soil pH and saw it was far too low (turns out some dry amendments used for top dressing tank the pH, which I didn’t account for). That’s my best guess!


Thanks for the info, I’ll try to correct that water pH and if that doesn’t work I’ll try some CalMag. What did you do to correct your pH?

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