So im about 2-3 weeks from harvest (i think). I want to get the most from my plants. So i want to get a kief sifter. What do y’all recommend for this? I seen some bubble bags but read some reviews and it seems to be a lower quality material which already comes ripped or is very easy to rip and i dont want to waste the time or money getting them if there is something better. I want to use the dry ice method. Thank you in advance!
I used this product recently jwood. You’ll see some pictures in my journal of some great results from my Super Lemon Haze. I didn’t even wait for it to be dried. Ground it up, tossed it in and shook kief out of it. 74-120 micron is as small as I could go. I used 220 and I ended up with more plant materials than I anticipated. Still turned out awesome, but I gained experience. @Myfriendis410 was very helpful as well.
iPower 5-Gallon 5-Bag Herbal Ice…
Thank you! Thats exactly what i was looking for. I read after the pictures and was a little confused so you used the 120 micron first and collected what came out which is better quality? Then you used the 220 micron and got less quality and collected in separate?
One screen, 73 micron and you do it all through that one screen. Each sifting you pile up next to the previous and when the color starts to change you are collecting plant material and stop.
My mistake was using only the 220 micron.
Next time I’ll run 74 separate it, then 120, separate it, and last the 220 as that will be the lowest quality and the most plant material.
Gotcha! Thank you for the help! And thank you @Myfriendis410.
I recently made some dry ice hash, I love it. Purchased hash bags on eBay, 220, 160, and 73 micron bags. Each was a little different, still great. And, it was so easy. I’m just doing small batches now, got 1 gal bags by mistake, 5 gal bags are on the way. Brings back memories, smoking hash under glass!