Thanks for your continued support. I’m going to be a paranoid fuck about this girl cause I have had too many failed attempts and this one is growing, damn it! So thanks for holding my hand through this!
I hear that my friend. It’ll all be okay - she’s growin’ and she’ll grow. Try to take a deep breath and let her do her thing. It’s hard, I understand. I found with DWC the less I do, the better they do. Obviously routine water checkup and maintenance is key, but beyond that, minimal handling and fussing for now is going to be best.
Edit: watch for f-bombs. It’s pretty much the only thing that’s off-limits around here.
Yea,I’m trying to just let it be. Checking the levels gives me something to do, but also makes me nuts! . Thanks for the heads up! Yea got a potty mouth…I’ll watch it from here out
Me too. I have a lot of moments in life on this forum I gotta delete half my post
@Graysin @HappyHydroGrower am I still not giving enough nutes? Plant is 30 days. I have a ph of 5.5, ec of 1.0 (is that too low?) and ppm of 547. Please help! Thank you!
Scoot it up a tad - 5.8 is better.
That seems low for this stage. I’d bump up to 750-800, assuming you’re starting with distilled or similarly pure water.
Edit to add: she still looks pretty good. Can you show me the roots and the bucket with the airstone going/water level?
I’m guessing it’s just magnesium deficiency, but I’d rather be sure.
I bumped my ph to 6 so that the cal mag would absorb. Im doing a water change tomorrow or Sunday and going to bump up the nutes.
Roots look nice and happy.
Do you have air going to the empty buckets? If so, can you pinch it off to redirect some of the air back into your occupied bucket? I see some good bubbles but tbh it could be stronger. I feel like one of the first photos you shared had better oxygenation - am I just seeing things or did something change?
You’re doing fine. Don’t mind my nitpicking. Just asking questions based on what I experienced when I was getting the hang of hydro
Thanks for all your help. You are not being nit picky at all. Im glad you are asking all these questions. I really learning a lot from you. Im sorry if I keep tagging you, but you have been very knowledgeable and I can read until I’m blue in the face, but I learn by doing so thank you for being patient with me. I have a recirculating system so I have water in empty buckets cause I didn’t know what else to do when the others died on me so I left it. I can increase the bubbler. I have it set a little past half way. The only thing that changed from those photos last week was now I have less water in the buckets
No apologies necessary. I’m happy to pay it forward. I had several very kind growers show me how to do it and I’ll be here spreading the same knowledge until I just can’t anymore.
I’m exactly the same way. I learn best by doing things the wrong way, if I’m perfectly honest. I learned a lot about bro science versus actual necessities when it comes to growing and especially hydroponics.
Do so - and if you can, just fold the airlines that go to the unoccupied buckets in half and pinch em off with a binder clip or something. That will redirect all the air to your active bucket - your plant roots will thank you.
How many extra air stones do you have? It may be getting clogged up already if nothing else at all has changed.
I had three airstones rupture on me and one get too clogged to function.
I have the ones in the other buckets. No extras. How would I know if clogged? Let me check the other buckets to see if they are flowing better. Oh man, they ruptured. Did it harm the plant?
The other air stones seem to be the same as the one with the plant. Should I increase it?
Yeah, just go ahead and increase the airflow
Nah, they got droopy and sad because the oxygen levels dropped a ton. Made me check the bucket, and chuck the stone.
Just less airflow than before. Eventually it’ll become a sad blurble instead of a bubble.
Got it! I bumped it up. Ok. Good to know they will fizz out when clogged. I can’t thank you enough. Im sure I’ll be back for more. Waiting for more nodes so I can top/fim her
Absolutely. I’m just a tag away.
@Graysin @HappyHydroGrower with my water change, I got her number in point. Ph 6.1, ec 1.6, ppm of 812. Thanks so much for all your input. I ordered a water chiller to help with that
@Graysin @HappyHydroGrower I’m seeing some spots on newer growth now. I didn’t snip the leaves you can clearly see so that if it spreads, I’ll know. I think it’s spreading. Any thoughts? Ph is 6.2, ec 1.6 and ppm of 801. She is 33 days in
Time to adjust back down to 5.8. Also it looks like time to supplement with some extra CalMag and see if that slows it down a bit.
So add ph down and add cal mag. How much of each would work? I have 5 gallons in the system