What deficiency does my girl have and how can I fix it?


I’m becoming a believer in Jacks myself. My 1st grow using it and it’s amazing how simple it is.

Results are excellent so far but am just going into full flower now


That’s wonderful. It’s so easy even I can use it… lol :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:


I see @HappyHydroGrower and @peachfuzz hooked you up with the proper info - I use Jack’s 3-2-1 also. I use silica intermittently.

My thought is to try lowering the water level to 3” below the net pot now that the roots are growing down into the reservoir. I feel like my lower leaves like to take on that appearance when they’re getting too much water and not enough oxygen, but not properly “drowning” exactly. More like being waterboarded.

Edit: also if you can, top off the net pots with more hydroton - you might have light creeping into the reservoir too with a gap light that


@Graysin thank for your time and knowledge. So basically I’m drowning her …I’m adjusting the water amount with my change in the morning. I figured it would be ok since it has a decent start to a root system. I’ll add hydroton to ensure no light leakage. This is great! Thanks for the help and support! So could I still have a nute deficiency as well or iyo is it just me drowning my girl?


It could be a nutrient deficiency but in my experience with hydro, I usually see that when there’s just not enough oxygen. I see it a lot because I start seedlings in rockwool, then set them on top of hydroton in a solo cup with stagnant water for them to grow into. Essentially once they have roots I can see, they go into a real net pot. This is a terrible method because they always get root damage when “transplanting” - have you ever managed to contain hydroton in a shape without a container cus I sure haven’t :joy: In short, I do not advise anyone follow that example, it’s a terrible practice borne of laziness and nothing more. My plants take a week longer than necessary to recover from that debacle every time.

Anyhow. You may still be seeing a deficiency, but honestly if I’m waterlogged, I’m generally not that hungry, which may be why your PPMs are tracking the recommended amounts but she still looks upset.


Yes it is incorporated in 321 component parts.
Part A is often called Hydro. Its NPK is 15-12-26 and also has most if not all micro nutrients and necessary minerals
Part B is calcium nitrate. NPK is 15-0-0 and provides calcium.
The last component is Epsom salt - Magnesium sulfate. It supplements the amount of Mg in Part A and also adds a little Sulfer.

I use it with coco.


Thank you for sharing your trial and error of starting a seed! I will keep a close eye on her. About to change her water now :crossed_fingers:


One more question-should I trim the “burnt” leaves ?


It’s not gonna hurt anything. They’re dead anyways. :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:


Update-water changed w/ 3 inches from net pod. Hopefully I played lifeguard and saved her from drowning. My ec is 1.1, ppm 523 and ph 5.4. Going to check levels in an hour or so to see if ph changes. Otherwise, should I add a little ph up? Should I trim those “burnt”/dead leaves? I can’t thank y’all enough for helping me! This has got me pumped!


I would. Has @HappyHydroGrower says, they’re already dead. No harm there.

Maybe just a touch. Maybe 1-2mL. Be careful about overdoing it. Don’t want to play the pH yo-yo game. 5.6-6.0 are my “acceptable” parameters to play within.


Thanks a million. Really can’t start growing without all of y’all’s knowledge. I cut her dead leaves and moving forward above water. No drowning! :crazy_face::joy:.


@Graysin @HappyHydroGrower @peachfuzz
Are these stil residual from her oxygen deficiency? And/or nute deficiency? Everything seems in order-ph 5.5, ec 1.0, ppm 541. Water temp has been increasing to 74-75 and I have been adding frozen water bottles to help with that. Humidity is about 50 and it 77 degrees in the tent. (This is day 26). Any other suggestions or am I just impatient!?


How does the new growth look? Old damage won’t heal. The leaves from prior issues will usually just discolor and die over time.


New growth looks good to me. It was only on the tips of these leaves yesterday


If new growth is okay, proceed under the assumption that she’s resolved her issues for now and get ready to bump your nutes up a bit if the damage worsens.


So the “old” leaves/growth got worse from yesterday, but new growth still looks good. Why would those older leave get worse? Ph 5.5, ec 1.0, ppm 546. Should I do anything?


Damaged leaves just won’t get better. They will continue to get worse. They’ll eventually get trimmed off anyways. It won’t hurt to trim them off IMO. Keep’em growin! :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:


Ok. Good to know. I was nervous that they got worse. I knew they wouldn’t get better…guess I didn’t think they would get worse. Phew! Ok. They are coming off. Snip snip!


Nah, HHG has you covered. Older leaves with damage like that don’t really do anything helpful for the plant so they’ll oftentimes just cannabalize it to make it useful for them again.:v: