Maybe 2-3mL of pH down total, and for CalMag just follow the instructions on the bottle.
@Graysin -I added some ph down and cal mag last night. I got ph down to 5.8. Here’s what she looks like today…sorry for the daily questions, but I don’t know how to get her on track!
She’s lookin okay from here! Hard to give a fair assessment but keep her in range and she’ll get herself situated in time.
How much calmag are you using?
And what’s your ppm’s?
With 5 gallons of water total, I originally used 25 ml. Last night I added 2.5ml. Ppm is 771
I would go with 2.5 - 5ml per gal and like Graysin said they do look good. Keep an eye on the new growth. They’ll be fine.
@HappyHydroGrower @Graysin I added only 2.5 ml last night. Originally I added 25 ml for the 5 gal with water change. Should I add another 5 gallon dose (25ml)? Or is that too much?
As long as you are mixing in 2.5 - 5 ml per gal, they should be fine.
@Graysin @HappyHydroGrower I came home from work and found some leaves with this copper color on them. Anyone know what it is or how I can fix it? Ph is 5.7, ec is 1.9 and ppm 959
They’re looking great! Good job keeping them healthy!
New growth looks great. I don’t think that’s anything to be concerned about.
Looks like it might be older growth. Keep’em growin!
@HappyHydroGrower Really? Do you have any idea what it is? In case other gets worse. I have been checking in her and no change since I got home. One leaf on a lower branch is crunchy. That’s the only one though. I don’t know how I deleted the last post I put up
Phosphorus would be my first bet, but I suspect strongly that HHG’s gut is right. They’re just older leaves. Keep an eye though.
@HappyHydroGrower @Graysin thank you so much! I don’t want to mess up my first grow I made past the seedling stage! You both have been awesome. I greatly appreciate your help!
Any time, growmie. I’m slow to catch up on threads but try to pay careful attention to tags, so you can always summon me
@Graysin @HappyHydroGrower i gave her a trim and did my weekly water change. Thinking of flipping her to flower mid week after she recovers. Any thoughts?
I think you’re in a fine place to do so. She looks nice and healthy.
Thank you! I’m going to give her a few days to recover from trimming her then do the flip! So exciting!!! Thanks for always responding. Happy growing leads to happy smoking!
Great idea. She’s gonna get bigger. Just stay on top of her cause she’ll get away from you quick during the transition. You’ll do fine.
@HappyHydroGrower Ok. Good to know. I figured she will grow quicker once I switch her. Someone told me to keep the light 20 inches high at all times during flower at 100% unless you have other advice that worked for you? I figured mid week would be good to flip her. Thanks as always!
I can’t speak to the light you have. It’s one of things that you might want to either go to by manufacture specs or YT it and see what they have to say. I’m sure there are plenty of folks here that can probably help with light if you need them to.
If you start to notice them turning yellow near the top of the canopy, that’s a sign they may be too close and or the light too intense. Just keep an eye on them.