So this is my first grow. I had a light issue early on and had some plants turn hermi. Now I’m serious if this plant is budding properly or if these are seeds. Thanks for any help!
It’s a male those are polen sacks
Thank you. That’s what I was afraid of.
Bag it, inside your tent, junk it, sanatize everything inside thst tent. Polen goes everywhere and may pollinate your next grow
Look like funky swollen calyxs to me. Not male parts.
Maybe @Covertgrower or @Cannabian can chime in with their opinions.
Could be wrong but I wouldn’t trash until you’re 100% sure.
Those are swollen calyx’s, pretty common on Dr.Grinspoons stuff, so no reason to not see itbother places. No worry, so far its a girl.
We good?
This wasn’t the one but what… Are you sure?
If it’s swollen calyx those are mutant as fork!
That’s why I said funky calyxs
Yeah its an odd thing, some strains carry buds in grape clusters up and down the stalk
Lol yeah I found the other spot
Still seeing female.
So will that eventually grow in to a normal bud or is that just some weird part that I don’t need to be concerned with
I would let them ride…
But its extremely a weird plant…
I think that’s a female plant, but they may have been pollinated. It’s definitely a weird looking plant.
What kind of light issues did you have? If the plant flowered then went back to veg may explain the leaves. And if you had other plants go herm pollen may made its way to this plant.
Apparently my light timer crapped out on me so they were sitting in light 24 hours a day and I have no idea for how long. Maybe a couple days and maybe a little longer. Total rookie mistake.
Makes perfect sense. And stuff like that happens to all of us, not much you can do about it.
Agreed it’s happend to us all.
@dbrn32 thoughts?
Is it herming then? Should he continue?
Not necessary, but maybe. If those are seeds the damage is already done, I don’t see why you would bail at this point.
Alright I stand corrected, I’m wrong it happens I apologize but I learned something today.
Hope. Op keeps us updated on how this goes