Welcoming criticism for first grow

First time grower. Just looking for some advice and see how im doing so far. I feel like its growing slow for an auto but I dont know any better. Not sure what happen to the leaf on the first node. Just didnt develop right. At the end of the day leaves tend to droop, is this normal? Takes a few hours the next day in the green house to perk back up. PH is about 6.8-7.0, is this to far out of balance? I tested the runoff for the first time this moring and PH was 6.33 and ppm was 3400. Any tips/advice is appreciated.

12day old Bruce Banner Auto (homemade greenhouse)
Fox Farm and I’m using the Nutes from ILGM


@Buddington welcome to the forum :slight_smile: id allow your soil to dry out before watering. Your girls look great, just be careful of overwatering. I dont personally grow in FF, but i know the nutes should be good for at least a few weeks. Your runoff will vary. Dial in your lights and get ready for the ride! Its gonna be fun. In soil for veg you want your ph to be between 6.5 and 6.0 when i flower i tend to lean towards 6.5 - 6.8. I know with FF that there is a flushing schedule. Someone who grows with it will chime in soon.


Lookin good so far. I’ve learned that the first sets of leaves always usually grow in a little weird, but the plant usually straightens itself out as it matures. The bobbing up and down is also normal for plants, just monitor the color and growth. I’m also growing for the first time, and first timers just get a little over paranoid because they don’t want to screw anything up lol. FF soil is also pretty hot, even Happy Frog can be bad for some seeds. I’m using FFOF and made the mistake of using Big Bloom nutrients already, which may have lead to stunted growth


I appreciate it. Today was the 3rd time in 12 days i watered. Ive been affraid of overwatering. I had no idea about the flushing schedule ill look more into that.

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Welcome to the community :v:

Looks good, as mentioned, be very careful with water at this point. And I wouldn’t be feeding it for a few weeks. The soil will carry it. I see a lot of people over love them with nutrients.

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Welcome to the forum, learning about autos my self for the past 8 months.

The first set of leaves is what provides the seedling with its own nutes for a few weeks. Self-sufficient. They are called cotyledon or seed leaves. Yes, they do yellow and fall off at some time.

Hopefully, we dont come off as critizing, helpful and funny at times.

 Welcome aboard

The plant looks good in color. Don’t feed until the coty’s (the round leaves) start dying off and your ppms drop. If your using Happy Frog 2 or 3 weeks. If your using ocean forest 4 to 6 weeks
I’ve never checked runoff of seedlings. I’m scared I would drown them. But your good there. Your ppm runoff numbers are high but you plant isn’t complaining at all. In the morning and evening the leaves may droop that’s normal. Happy Growin and welcome to the best place you can be. :v::call_me_hand:


Also when you water, water in a ring around the seedling don’t get the stem wet if you can help it. Watering in a ring around the seedling make the root spread out and search for water. :v::call_me_hand:


Welcome to the family, looks like your off to a good start


@Dexterado @Dman1969 great advice on watering. Ive been really unsure when to water her. Ill check the first inch or two on dryness to determine when to water. I also have my soil meter that reads moisture but I dont know how accurate that is. I live in a hot climate and growing outside in my homemade greenhouse. Seems to be ok for now still waiting on that summer heat though.

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@Mosca thanks for letting me know. I havent read that anywhere before. I would have thought i did something wrong, Theres so much to learn. Glad this forum is here.


Thank you, just passing on info shared by all.

Share your grow details, ask where you think you may need help, and for sure, someone will have a similar grow that can add a few healthy tricks to ones grow. :wink:


I actually found a journal from a well respected forum member, followed his recipe for three plants on our first ever grow at 60+yrs old. 4 zips of solid nugs each.

Too cool.