Weird spots on leafs

Ok guys iv seen this a few times but it looks like it’s slowly spreading I have a desk top microscope iv spent hrs looking at effected leafs no pest’s my microscope is 120x if their their I should have seen them I’m week in week 5 flower in coco dtw 2x during day fetigation 700-750ppms (.5) running tap water as base cal mag,h202 (5ml per gal 24%), drip clean sensi guard (silica) and a and b coco tek bloom… I don’t do any foliar feeding so there’s no moisture on the leaves I have an auto watering system so theirs no water above the coco

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So I currently have this issue and I was putting in too high of PH. You want to test your tap water. Ours is 8.5 ph so I have to add ph lowering solution to get it better and now all mine are about gone.

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Looks like your a bit heavy in nitrogen to me. So I would go with less of the A than whatever you have been giving.

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Are these lower leaves or upper ones?

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Uppers lowers middles

I ph my 55 gal Rez to 5.8 let it drift to 6.2 by the time it’s 6.2 (3days) it’s time for res change and I scrub Rez then Sanitize with Food grade sanatizer (paa) rinse then boom make new Rez batch up

Those last pics look a bit like potassium def to me but I’m not sure. If your lead egdes start getting yellow/ brown and crispy it could be. The fact that your in week 5 is another reason that I think it’s K. Just my thoughts. Definitely listen to more experienced and good at diagnosis growers :v::green_heart:


@Buddernugz. You are getting good advice here. I received my plants nute burned, root bound and lower growth stunted. With new growth I saw other problems and great growers here helped me decipher. Best wishes my friend.

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Thank you

all silica product seriously raise ph are u using silica with your base silica is usually recomended to use on off feed days and always be aware silica puts u over 8 ph every time so try alternating and dont leave phed nutes left overs for several days the ph will go back up or down based on what u are starting with

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What could be a deficency could be ph lockout


I ph my 55 gal Rez to 5.8 then let it drift up to 6.2 buy that time it’s empty then I make a new batch to 5.8 I calibrate my Havana pen every Rez change

Rez changes are every 3 days

Ok as long as ur aware not everyone relizes silica is a whole nother ball game … Indunno if you heard this but you mix in silica first give a bubble dissolve period the add phosporus containing products as silica sediment fall out can mess with you phosporus up take i dont do hydro but ive read alot cuz i wanted to just next to impossible to keep rez temps in check without a chiller in fla

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I’ll try skipping silica for the next few rez batches to see if that’s the culprit