Can anyone explain what’s happening to my seedlings?
Welcome to the community @Growmedic
Looking like over watering
I had one seedling do that. It ended up dying. Welcome to the community
They me be too wet. hold off for couple days to water. they don’t need much water at this stage
They’re dampening off, too wet and this will kill the small tap root
It’s possible to save her, I would separate that one from the humidity dome and dry it out under normal lighting conditions
@Growmedic That last pic looks like it came up root first.
Flip it around and bury up to just below the leaves.
It may or may not come back around at this point but worth a try.
The peat pods need to be damp/ wet not dripping wet.
Ageed, Some are upside down. may not have buried deep enough?
One other thing I do depending on how rough it looks, is dip the root end in clonex gel before burying. Should improve survival rates.
Solid tip.
Edit, Actually that is a result of the peat pods. The hole does not hold the seed in place well and root may not attach to side wall. As a result in can grow in wrong direction.
i use those pellets to start seedlings as well, i agree with what others yave said about too much water- those things look super wet, those peat pellets hold moisture really well(at least for me) so you just wanna keep it lightly damp, when you first soaked the pellets in water did you squeeze off all the excess water before putting the seed in it?
Definitely taproot exposed, I would gently remove and place in a cup of seed starter soil. Cover about a inch. Good luck
Microbes trigger the gravitropic response in roots , sometimes this happens when media and seeds have been sterilized. Hypothesis, I can see this happens after generations of breeding in a sterile environment. Just replant your seedlings root down. Microbes are everywhere, your girls will find there way.
Sorrry to hear they did not take. I have not had good success with those jiffy pods. I would germinate in solo cup with dirt over those. The medium needs to dry some for the roots to start expanding.
I had success with the pods but not as much as a cup now or direct to pot with water germination. Just me.