Weird growth! Ideas

Hello all!! Been a while but have a concerning issue with one of mu girls!!
It is a Super Lemon Haze grown from a seed from I♡GM seed bank!! Grown in Happy Frog soil and fertilied with Happy Frog products!!
Around the first of A August, this kind of growth started showing up!! I have seen some talk of Tobaco Mosaic virus but not sure.
I have seen this in the past grows and always thought it was a nutrient problem!!
I have removed here from the greenhouse and am keeping an eye on her!!
Anybody with any help, i would appreciate itfolks!!


I have a couple branches doing the same thing on 2 of my plants the rest of the plant seems to be fine I may cut the weird branches off I don’t like them lol

Looks like someone or something has been chomping on it.

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L@@ks like bugs have eaten at it at a very early stage, and this could be the grow back after eaten damage, try capti jacks dead bug brew, spraying ONLY AT DUSK

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I have been battling White flies all season and have been mixing up my sprays between Captain Jacks and Neem Oil.
I am more concerned with the curled leaves and overall growth of certain branches!!
The bugs have definitely been around, im just not sure if this is from them or not!