Below is a photo attached of a screen shot I took while just doing a bit of research on google.
Has anybody heard of this and do you cut back on water during flower also?
As long as you do it the right way water stress will cause roots to stretch out looking for moisture and will cause a bigger root zone. If you water stress during flowering at the right time it will also influence trichrome production.
What week into flower would you say?
Be careful introducing “water stress” in mid to late flower. Stress that interferes with the plants life cycle can cause hermies.
Hard pass. When my plants are thirsty I’m watering them.
Drench to drought routine from start to finish in soil works great Grow Bro…I haven’t tried intentionally going past the initial drought or dry period during flower
I use the drought method at the end of flower and it definitely makes a difference
Wow I’m surprised I haven’t heard growers state this trick here before. Learned something new today. Happy Growing
I’m with @Dman1969 on this one.
Im definitely giving it a try this grow!
In a few weeks your next post will be “how do I fix this”
Live and learn, right?
Yes that’s one way to do it. Lol
Why do you say ill be asking that though? It seems there’s a fair amount of growers who use this method faithfully…
Maybe you push it too far? Then stunt the plant. Cause a herm. We already use a water stress technique it’s called wet/dry cycle. Not saying experimenting it bad. I just don’t understand why you would want to risk it? All the nutrients and time you can potentially waste. Maybe if I had pounds and pounds to not give a shit about what happens but me personally I’m not at that point so that’s why I say that. I personally try to look at every aspect from the good to the bad and always expect the worst so you’re never cause off guard and disappointed.
Come on over to my place and see for yourself Done deals lil heaven : garden of weeden - #4712 by DoneDeal . Different strokes for different folks Growmie. Please don’t hate on somebody for wanting to try something.
Just because I said his next post would be how to fix this don’t mean I’m hating. This is a fou where we talk correct? Then you come talking about me hating by hating on my post? Hypocrit much?
Don’t worry I won’t post in this thread again have fun
Ten4 budro. That’s implying they were going to fail if their next post was going to be how do I fix this.
Well, I smoke sometimes but not really. Im growing as a hobbie and to have flower to make edibles and stuff. I dont sell pot or grow for patients so I don’t mind experimenting and seeing what strains adept well to what techniques and etc. I don’t mind not having pounds. I generally just love growing things lol. Seeds are cheap enough to buy feminized and be able to experiment without stressing what happens so much.