Hey guys , where do you get your water from. Mine out of the faucet is 6.8 - 7. Do you buy water or treat ???
I let tap water stand over a 24 hour period to off gas the chlorine. I then mix my nutes and then check the ph of the final product before I use it. My tap water has a starting ec of 90 so I have loads of headroom for food, yours may not. You should have an EC pen and a way to check PH. Hope that helps?
I use a brita filter pitcher and it takes out the chlorine but it probably take out some of the minerals too. I use to do it the way @Cannabian does. Either way you should be good. Happy growing
Dman is that kinda expensive to use brita filters for dope water?
It isn’t as bad as you may think. In two grows I’ve only replaced one cartridge.
Nice! Sounds like a pretty decent alternative!
Right now I have 6 x 55 gallon barrels de chlorinating as we speak! I use lake water that is treated with chlorine, other than that the water is pretty good!
15 bucks for 3 filters I think each one does about 80 gallons
I only grow 2 plants at a time tho.
Okay cool, I thought I was being crazy it’s worked so far but I got nervous on my 4 th grow . My ph runs a little high with nutes with the water but they happy and healthy . One was dropping the morning but seems too have kicked right back . Thanks
Thank you I will def be trying this
I do not have an ec pen . Nor quite understand it . I’m pretty new my weakness has been water and lights .
no problem, just get a decent ph and ec pen if you dont already have one. Check your tap water for standing EC so you know if you have any headroom for food. Upper end of the tap water EC shouldnt exceed 200 ppm or youbwont have much room. Ph can be corrected so its not normally a big deal
The third picture was the plant in question. To me it looks great now . I have a little nute burn on the second . But the first man it just takes whatever nutes I give it and just shoots up. Thanks for your time I will be getting ec pen and getting on top of this.
I use a Brita filter pitcher too. Seems to be working fine. Only downside is filling gallon jugs takes some time. I buy a ten pack of filters from Costco for $46.
I use well water. It comes out of the ground at 5.5 ph and use general hydroponics ph up or add a teaspoon of epsom salt per gallon.
Yes that does suck. That’s the only downside imo.