Really new to this , and really hope to get some advice on growing white widow autoflowers in this really cool forum . I have been germinating my seeds for 45 hours and most have sprouted a little white root
Great. Put them under a light in a solo cup. You can wet the inside of another cup and use it as a dome. Search these forums for other stuff you might want to know about. Tons of stuff on here.
Welcome to the forum @mike7900. What do you need advice with?
@mike7900 welcome to the community!! Do u have specific questions? As mentioned above if they have sprouted time to get in soil and under lights! Thats exciting!
Really new to this , and really hope to get some advice on growing white widow autoflowers in this really cool forum . I have been germinating my seeds for 45 hours and most have sprouted a little white root. I am currently germinating 6 white widow autoflowers. and was wondering about the lighting for the white widow autoflowers .if someone could help me with that on how should I use the lighting .I would really appreciate it for the firts week, second week etc.
Thanks for the advice will look up the cup thingy
Well just wanted a lighting schedule to use for my white widow autoflowers. like a lighting schedule for every week, week 1,week 2 etc .iam using 2 lights I bought from it says they are 75 watt led grow lights. Also the distance away that I should put the lights from the pots,thanks slot for the help.iam growing 6 white widows autoflowers seeds
Welcome to the forum, white widow is one of the best strains for beginners. I see many have talked about getting your seedling started but what about your setup and lighting?
Ok great generally I run mine on a 18/6 on 18 off 6. Lights say 16 inches to start.
Thanks , just for now needed a lithging schedule and distance to put the lights away from the pots .also iam going to be using the (earth dust all-natural plant nutrients) to feed the plants because it seems easy cause it says u just feed it 3 times and water it .but wanted to hear from someone here with more experience what are the best weeks to feed them
I can give you general advise spritz at the base of the stem 2-3 times twice a day , humidity dome them until they come up without a helmet then preferably at 1 week past (earlier then most I know) I start them on the wet dry cycle by fully soaking the medium then let it dry out 4-6 days and if you have a dimmer slowly increase your light every 3-5 days( like by 3-5 percent of the knob) sounds like you’re working with dry nutes I’ll send youOver here where I posted a dry amendment guide for autos
Those lights will get you started but they’re not going to give bountiful yields. You will want to supplement more lighting further into the grow
Oh and for light my rule of thumb ( for lesser quality leds) 200-300 par for seedling 300 -500 early veg 500-700 late veg 700-900 for flower
Thanks for the help and welcome
Thanks for the advice and the welcome
Thanks for the advice and help
Hey do u know any lights that u would recommend to cover the 6 plants I’m growing in 20 gallon pots , that would give me bountiful yields?
This is #1 plant after 5 days of being planted
This is number #2 plant