Why is the name brand blue bird but they have a Peguin on the bag? And what the hell does a Peguin have to do with salt and vinegar anyway
Lmao love salt and vinegar as well @kalico
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Yeah I know been round for ages here! Lol they do good chips though!
They have used a Penguin for about 60 years in their advertising. One has nothing to do with the other
Hey it’s cute lol @kalico
I was just messing with you
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Automatic! …especially where we live, we were talking about getting clams last weekend, they’re about $25 at Clam Shacks around here, even the clam roll is like $18 (it’s kinda pricey?!)
About that price here also…but then again it isn’t actually the season for getting them… even with the mild weather we have been getting…