So I’ve just bought a new grow light, it was very well reviewed on Amazon. It’s the Vander 1500w, has anyone ever used Vander? I know I’m probably getting a fraction of that 1500w but I will only being using it for one plants entire grow. I’ve already gotten about 20 started with a bunch of odds and ends lights. I’m waiting for my plants to get about 9 inches before transferring all but one outside. Do you think this will be enough for what I’m trying to accomplish? My grow room is 1 by 2 ft and about 6 ft tall. I have quite a bit of lighting that will be used for side lighting when I get this one on Tuesday.
LED Chip: 184pcs main LEDs , 2pcs UVA LEDs, 6pcs assisted LEDs
Actual power: 200W
It’s a 200 Watt light. There are much better lights. Quantum Boards for example. Your money would be much better spent on them. Your results will be better too.
@Verndoc Yeah I thought about building one but tbh I don’t have the time and they seem a bit pricey:/ maybe next grow I’ll invest in that. You think the 200 watts plus a good bit of extra small lights would do the trick for that tent with just one plant? If not what, stage in the growth could I use the light for?
It should be fine for what you plan to do with it, IMHO. You are going to put one plant under it, right? In a 1x2 space? That was feet? I would wager that light can flower something like a 2x2 no problem. I have a pair of similar blurples (1500w but real draw is 260w) and they flowered my 4x4 just fine.
Oh, and I am giving you that advice as a guy who has both of those blurple lights sitting on a shelf in my basement, having been replaced with, as @Verndoc said, better LEDs. I primarily grow indoors, though.
Yeah I saw a test online where the 1000 watt Vander was actually producing about 216, so I’m assuming I’d get a little more than that at least. Thanks for the info guys! Ill post a thread on it when I get it in Tuesdays with some feedback.