Underwatering save. HELP!

I went out of town for 10 days. My husbands only task was to water my Durban Poision Feminized plant that was at 12 weeks. Upon return I was going to start the flowering light cycle. To my surprise when I got home I arrived to a withered plant that I thought was dead. I don’t even have it in me to show what she looked like before I left. See picture of when I returned, somehow she came back from that.

I have revived her and trimmed the dead parts that didn’t come back. See picture of where she is at now. She is regrowing leaves and gaining color back. There are still some ends of the leaves that didn’t make it but all in all the leaves are healthy. I have googled and googled what flowering looks like now and when to start flowering flight cycle but have found nothing.

Any suggestions/timeline of what the next few weeks looks like to get her into budding if that’s even possible?


Give her a good feeding/drink and she should pop right back up. May put you behind sced a little :metal::green_heart:

I get it, you did. Just veg her till you see new growth tips then flip as norm


welcome to the community. That is one awesome come back, i agree with @StonedCold13 with feeding and let her get back on track and then you can flip her. so my question is what was the husband’s punishment?


im out of likes brother @StonedCold13


I know ya good enough, I felt it :metal:


@StonedCold13 @BudzMS Thank you! I was shocked at the comeback (don’t call it a comeback?) She’s on a steady foop diet again and getting some TLC.

Haha! Even my best friend knew if it was the dog or the plant, you save the plant. Idiot.


@FlyingFlamingo @StonedCold13 @BudzMS

This is how she shows us she’s really just a weed. A houseplant would never survive that!

But great save!!

And somebody’s in big trouble… :laughing:

PS - just glad it’s not me this time.


Haha! Welcome to posting here and great job reviving her. :call_me_hand:t3:


I started a thread on this forum, RE-VEGING a continuous grow.
LSS, experiment involved taking good ladies, cuting half for harvest and re-veging remaining.
You have done the same, sort of. If give 24x7 for two weeks, Vegetation will be initiate with identifiable growth responses, in a month. Conversly, switching to 12/12 will initiate flowering, IMO.
What shape will the end product become? Some of my re-vegers, stayed, great ans some went bush ugly and only taking space, for now. Your plants recieved shocking and are recovering. What is next?


Dead man walking, was a movie, i heard.


@DEEPDIVERDAVE sounds about right lmao


Welcome aboard! Great save! Like others said. A good watering and feeding, back to the regimen, proceed as normal. They are really resilient plants. Just keep growing like… well… weeds lol. Good luck and happy growing!!!


I just did that, it was just on accident. Interesting! Thank you for the insight and experimentation. When googling I couldn’t find anything on how it may turn out. Much appreciated.


Pun intended. Thank you!

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@VirginiaGrowBoy ”this time” I laughed out loud. There will not be a next time. Ha!



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@beachglass thank you!

Very nice save and recovery.

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Here you go, I understand Ms. Allred does well for woman who have been wronged :facepunch: :rofl:


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Is your husband disabled? Is he against you growing? Did you guys not talk over 10 days? I’m trying to figure out the miscommunication. Great save right in the nick of time!

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