Understanding Fox Farm feeding schedule

I started in rock wool using clonex and ph to 5.8 what’s thought on mother plant? Soil or coco?

Depends on the trichs. If they’re cloudy chop her up, if not let her cook. Don’t worry, she won’t just fall over and die if she needs longer

So even by th looks of her you think she will make it another week or so?

If I wait the 4 weeks in my ocean forrest soil when its time to start feeding what week should I start @ according to the feeding schedule they provide when you purchase the nutriets.

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You can kind of go in reverse. How soon do you plan on before you flip the light cycle? Decide that then back up on the schedule that number of weeks.

So Lets say I veg for 2 months after waiting that first 4 weeks Id start on week 5 and just use half of what’s recommended throughout the rest of the plants growth?


I assume you are growing in soil.

The nutrients in the soil will get you through the first month or more depending on the size of the pot. If you are one month in and are going to veg for 4 more weeks before flowering I would think you could start with nutrients for week one which is just a dose of big bloom.

If you look at the feeding chart you will see the solubles (powders) in the purple section of the chart that greatly increase bud production. If you aren’t using them it will be hard to over do the nutrients during the flowering stage so you should be able to use them at the recommended dosage.

I’d also like to add that the fox farms nutrients have inadequate amount of calcium and magnesium so adding cal-mag to your routine will help keep the leaves going to heck starting the third or fourth week of flower.

I’d like to suggest paying attention to the vertical light blue bars on the feeding chart. They show a flushing schedule which I highly recommend. Sledgehammer is fox farms product that will allow you to flush with just a few gallons of water, otherwise you need to flush with lots of pH’d water.


I actually have the sledgehammer product and some cal mag, so hearing that makes me happy as I feel more prepared. So cal mag is mostly just for flower? I’ve heard people say they feed cal mag whenever they feed the plant nutrients, but I want to make sure I’m not over doing anything.

As for the sledgehammer would I just use it when the feeding schedule calls for it and when is the best time to flush? Like do I want to make sure my soil is dry and ready for its next feeding, If I’m using a 5 gal pot how many gallons with sledgehammer mixed should I flush the plant with? I’m a little scared that flushing can overwater my plant. Sorry for so many questions, It’s just a lot for me as its my second grow and my first grow I had NO idea what I was doing. Also thanks so much for the responses they really do help.

First off I’m not an expert in that I’ve studied the science of growing like some of the others on this forum so I just do my best. I have been growing for at least a dozen years, 5-6 grows a year until this summer when I went overboard and added three more flowering tents and started growing outdoors after our state legalized it. I like to experiment so I keep trying different things and have at least a dozen different grows just this past year. I hope I can give you information you find useful in fine tuning your own grows but keep in mind of the source of information.

I start using the cal-mag when I start feeding them. When I get into flower I start cal-mag every feeding and every watering if I remember. The deficiencies start showing up around the fourth week of flower so you need to start way ahead of that to avoid the issue.

There seems to be confusion out there in the use of Sledgehammer. Fox Farms suggests using it just like a regular feeding without any additional water needed to flush it out. Many on this forum seem to think you need to flush with gallons and gallons of water. I’m taking a somewhat hybrid approach.

This weekend I have three plants (in three different growing spaces with three different kinds of lights) that I’ll start flowering this weekend. I water them about every three days and at this point they are getting 2 gallons split between the three plants or 2/3 gallon per plant. I am planing on flushing them today since it is their regularly scheduled day to feed/water them.

My plan is to start with about a quart of water with Sledgehammer so that the soil swells and wets the sides of the bags to keep the water from running straight through. Every five minutes or so I’ll add another quart with Sledgehammer until I get good runoff. Then I’m going to give it another 1/2 gallon of plain water to flush out some of the sledgehammer. After a few more minutes I’ll give each one another 1/2 gallon of water with Fox Farms Boomerang added to give it some quick acting nutrients along with beneficial bacteria for the soil. The fine print at the top of Feeding Schedule suggests using the Boomerang along with the Sledgehammer but I’m going to use it afterwards. If you don’t have boomerang I suggest giving it your regular feeding. Before reading the fine print of using something to feed them I would just stop with the plain water but about one out of every 4th plant would get ugly looking leaves that “canoe” and curl almost closed lengthwise. Since adding Boomerang the canoeing of the leaves has stopped.

Using a lot of water on your plants isn’t an issue as long as you let them dry out before watering/feeding. I’ll wait at least four days before considering watering again and will feed them using week 5 on the feeding schedule.


Thanks! Merry Christmas.

Im in the same boat but confused about the ppm scenario. Im surely reading all your responses tonight. Bookmarked!

I have a question. I like the way your feeding sounds…
First time grower…I’m on day 21 of flower . I’m using 5gal fabric pots.

So the only time you flush is at the end?
And I thought that I was supposed to let the soil dry out some between waterings to avoid root rot and give the roots oxygen. I’m confused :thinking::thinking:


I’m still trying to figure out if I give them water regularly and feeding twice a week. Or do I only water when I feed? I’m worried I’m giving them too much water and not enough nutrients?

A plant can make its own food from water, CO2 and sunlight. But to grow and flower well, the plant needs extra’s.

Outside, in nature, plants get their nutrients from the soil, which has a lot of minerals, and dead plants and animals give the needed fertilizers.

We have an article on applying the correct nutrients to make sure you always apply the correct nutrient amounts.

I literally just follow their instructions directly and have never burned my plants. Fox Farm is a reputable company with a lot of credible people working for them. The only reason you see so many people on here saying “use 1/2 of what it recommends” or “I use 1/4 of their recommendation” or “start with .1153846th of a tsp instead” is because these people want to be the best at growing weed and in order to do that they need to be original and unique. There is honestly no reason to go against their directions… unless you’re using an extremely hot soil or something. But even Ocean Forest only has enough nutrients to last the plant it’s first few weeks IMO, and I still use Big Bloom at the beginning, like it recommends. I have never had a problem giving it the full dose.

It really just depends on how fast your soil dries out. FF’s schedule says up to twice a week. My plants for example dry out every 4-5 days. So I literally feed every time I water. The only downside to this is you will eventually have a salt build up and need to flush, which is recommended anyway.