These two sprouted in early July, ten days apart. I guess it’s genetics, but they are growing completely different. I did some HST on the smaller blue cheese cultivar to get better airflow and hopefully it helps with bud development. Anything else I can do to help it?
Seems more often than not theyll grow very differently. Looks like youre over halfway through flower already, buds growth will start to slow in the next couples weeks id guess, so not much left to do except keep your enviroment and feedings on point to get the best results you can
I agree with @kaptain3d@NorseRow .
Genotype + environment = phenotype
That’s why even with the same strain you always get different combinations no matter if they’re growing in the same tent. Just for instance if the canopy is not the same height one plant gets more light if the tent sitting against the wall maybe the wall might help hold the heat those small variations inside the tent can cause it
Ditto on all stated by @kaptain3d Grow Bro. I consider myself lucky when I grow the same strain that express themselves differently. In my opinion I get to sample 2 different affects from the same strain sometimes