Turned up light to 50% this is what the plant look like 24 hours after

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Do these look good to yall with the light just being turned up to 50% yesterday

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First plants leaves are kinda looking wonky


Looks like normal leaf variation to me or a normal “leaf blemish” whichever term is preferred :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: wouldnt worry bout that.


Looking good. If you can, try to make an individual thread for your questions and updates. It helps keep all the info together and easier for you to go back and find something you may need to look at. Use the @ symbol to tag fellow growers, like @Bryce. The mods have to go through all the new threads and it kinda lightens their load, as well. Happy growing!


Thanks man I’ll look into this some more! New to this website so thanks for the insight.

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No worries grow bro!! Sorry if that seemed kinda axxholish. The traffic around here can be like rush hour sometimes. Great community, lot going on. Your plants look really good. Fairly common for a couple spots or blemishes at any point in the grow. Man, I’d love to grow some green crack. Mother in law won’t smoke it because of the name, but throw some og kush or white widow around and she’s in back in the 1970’s :joy:


I think they look good.