Trouble with curling on one of my plants

Hey all,
I planted these about a week ago, my granddaddy purp is doing pretty well so far but im concerned about my SuperSkunk. Its not laying down its leaves like my gdp, instead they are all curling up. Im very careful with over or underwatering for the most part, i even lowered my growlight some thinking it wasn’t getting enough light but its been a few days and its still curled up. This is my first grow, and im out of ideas. Any advice, i will appreciate! Thank you.

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How dry is the air? Sprouts like high humidity…

Im currently sitting at 80% humidity in the tent, i keep it in the range of around 76% to 82%.


Well it ain’t low humidity! I dont exceed 70% personally.

I don’t think i’d worry about it…give em a week to get an extra set or two of leaves…they may just straighten right out.

Cannabis (like all plants) does some funny stuff throughout its lifecycle.


Awesome, i figured i might just be paranoid but wanted to be sure. Thank you for your help


There are some members who use 80/80 on seedlings. I wouldn’t worry about it