Week 9 of flower. Purple punch and purple haze. 1st grow, do they look ready?
Great pics. Id say you got a little to go yet. Don’t see a lot of amber but depends on what you are going for. Couchlock =amber get up and get stuff done=cloudy so I’ve been told. I’ll tag a couple people. @Graysin @Docnraq @OGIncognito way do you guys think.
I agree. The ratio between cloudy/amber is not there yet.
Thank you. I’d definitely like the purple punch to be a bit more couchlock. What percentage cloudy to amber do you shoot for?
The Haze I’d like to keep less amber.
Hope this help you make a decision.
Thanks @GreggT
Plants are fading quick, I’m just getting jumpy I think lol
If you don’t mind asking; what are you using to take the pictures? I have an inexpensive photo microscope on a microphone stand, but I can’t get a clear focus.
@Bobcaat thats exactly what I’m using. I just added the mic stand today. Made it so much easier. Adjusting the focus takes a bit of patience but it’s not awful with this scope. Think the scope was $30ish
Your in the window. Its up to you now. If couchlock is what your after, got a week maybe more depending. If not you can chop whenever you would like.
Beautiful colors.
Hehe, my last harvest had a purp punch that i let go amber…my lady ended up calling it slumberf**k punch lol…id say let it go from anywhere between 10-20%, mine was around 15
wow those are some beauties
one of these scopes is going to be my next purchase. im not very confident at all in checking tricomes and a phone pic just dont cut it when seeking advice. since i started growing pictures of my girls is all I have on my phone.
Thabk you @Docnraq
Hahahaha My wife is definitely after slumberf**k thanks @goldiemouth270
Thanks @Meloco1980 It was totally worth it, the mic stand is essential imo, it was very hard to hold the scope and get a pic when magnified any movement made it very blurry
Thanks for the reply. I figured out what I was doing wrong. I had the scope to close to the plant; not letting the scope do its job. Also the ceiling light is extremely strong (LED); it was too much light bleeding everything out.
Haha yeah I had the same learning curve with it
@Sj2019 a few posts up in this thread is the microscope set-up a number of people use.
When i see that on the outside, i go down the stalk to a popcorn volunteer, and snip a section to look inside the core. If there’s any tinge of brown in the trichomes, they get the chop. Yes, slumber guaranteed