Trichome help! Time to harvest?

Yep, she’s ready.


Yay!! Thank you for all the help!

My plan is to drill her stem today, Thursday flush, Friday 48 hour darkness with ice around the medium, and Sunday harvest.

Any thoughts on my plan? This will be my first attempt at stem splitting so I’m really excited! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That sounds like a great plan, good luck.

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Tried my hand at drilling. I just have this vision of me drilling and the whole plant falling over on me :joy::joy::joy:

I was about to drill a little more to widen the hole but before I did that I wanted to check in since, you know, I can’t un-drill it once I commit :stuck_out_tongue:

@Hogmaster I know you said you drill, should I be going bigger than this?


I use a big drill bit or drill several small holes

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Thank you! I got a larger bit and widened it up. Is it better to leave the bit thru the hole or leave it like this?


Widened it just a hair more


Leaving it open is ok, it is wide enough it won’t close up on itself.

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Thank you! I’m excited about my impromptu stem splitting. Thanks for initiating this whole idea!


I did it with my 4 Lowryder plants, first ever attempt at growing. I can tell you that there was a HUGE difference in resin between that trimming and my last 2 harvests that were not drilled. My first trimming of 4 plants got me a nice pea sized lump of scissor hash, last 8 plants that were not drill produced 0 resin, not even enough to scrape off. I am going to drill Stubborn Stacey (that sound dirty :joy:) before harvest to see if it really does affect the “ripening” of the buds.

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Looks good I go bigger personally like a 1/2 in bit if smaller 3-4 holes but looks great a few days before harvest fill it up with ice and that will also freakbit out and produce more Trycombs

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Just to update for everyone who helped me. I just got my final weights on my 2 plants. This grow I had experimented with two different techniques and thought I had near killed one of my plants. I had appropriately named her Cabbage, as I didn’t think she was going to give me anything good after all the torture. Her sister got the name Budzilla, which was also appropriately given as she gave me a colossal yield!




:seedling: Final Dry Weight :seedling:

Budzilla - 12.80oz good bud, plus an additional 2.79oz popcorn buds, and I didn’t measure the trim yet but I have more than I know what to do with so I gave some bags away already.

Cabbage - 5.57oz good bud, plus an additional 0.9oz popcorn buds.

Because of the way Cabbage grew, she was essentially ALL BUD and barely any fluff buds. I’m hoping I have time to move my date into a grow journal for her because it really was an interesting case from a learning standpoint.

So anyway, now I’m up to my tits in bud and burping 394 jars a day to get these babies cured. I am VERY happy and proud of this grow! Thank you again to everyone who helped me with the harvest education. @doobienoobie @MAXHeadRoom @Hogmaster @raustin @blackthumbbetty You have all contributed to my knowledge and improvement as a grower. Lifetime lessons. Thank you kindly. :v::heart::seedling:


Amazing grow!


Forgot to tag you as well. Thank you! :pray:

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You are rocking it out @Blazin_Skywalker absolutely beautiful

And congratulations again on bud of the month you keep it up and you will win them all :wink:

And I absolutely love the shirt :grinning:

Wow congrats on an epic harvest! You definitely knocked it out of the park. Glad I could follow along.

I can’t imagine I contributed anything to that beautiful grow of yours, but if you say so. :grinning:

You clearly have some crazy skills…and I could probably use your help in the future.

Thank you :pray: My weakness was the harvest window. To me, you can have the greenest thumb there is, but if you can’t perfect the harvest window, you potentially lose out on months worth of work. That was where I struggled, and that is where y’all stepped in. This forum is amazing. :heart: